Chapter 29

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I closed my locker and look around. I smiled as I saw Sam standing in front of his locker. Maybe this time, I should tell him everything. Besides that, I couldn't sleep last night thinking about how we play footsie yesterday.

"Hey..." I smiled at Sam.

"Hey... What's up?" Sam smiled back at me.

"So, as Kenickie and Rizzo maybe we should practice our make-out session more so that it will be amazing on stage." I giggled.

"B, you just want to kiss me." Sam chuckled.

"Well, yeah fine." I rolled my eyes. "I couldn't sleep last night thinking about you suddenly changed. You put your arm on my chair and played footsie with me and smiled at me."

Sam laughed and pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I was surprised but I decided to kiss him back. Until we pulled away from each other.

"Did you just..." I raised an eyebrow at him. "So... are we?" I grinned at him.

"What about your dad?"

"Dad will always be a dad. So what? He doesn't need to know what I did at school. Besides, he is busy and will always be. And I'm sure if I'm happy with my choice then he will be happy too." I smiled at him.

"Well, if that's so... I want us to be together again." Sam smiled back at me.

"Even though my dad is against us?"

"He can't get in between us. Our love is stronger than that." Sam chuckled.

I laughed and shook my head and quickly hugged him as Sam hugged me back tightly and kissed my head. "Ouch." I groaned and pulled him away slowly.

"Are you okay?" Sam frowned at me.

"Yeah. It's just the stitching kinda hurt a bit."

"Want to go to the nurse's office?"

"No, no, I'm fine." I shook my head. "Want to come over to my house tomorrow?" My mom went back to LA and my dad went to Milan for a week." I grinned at him.

"Alright, alright." Sam makes an impression and laughed.

I laughed and held his hand as he shut his locker and we walked down the hallways. This is nice that Sam and I are finally getting back together and this time I'll make sure that dad won't get into it.


I took my costumes for the play and tried them on then stood in front of the mirror. It looked fit in me. "I love it so much." I grinned at Tina.

Tina turned her face at me and smiled at me then she continued to help Marley with her costume. "Okay, hold on and suck in," Tina said to Marley.

"I am. I don't understand. This fit yesterday." Marley sighed while trying on her costumes.

"Maybe it's stress bloating. I get it all the time." Tina said to her.

"Hey. Tina." Brittany and Sugar walked to us and showed us their costumes.

"I love it so much. I promise I won't pee in it." Brittany said to Tina.

"I'm here for my fitting." Kitty walked to us. "Where is Harajuku Girl?"

"I thought you quit because your part was too small." Sugar said to Kitty.

"Well, Spraed Hawk Nose, to quote Shakespeare, "There's no small parts, only fat actresses." Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just say "fat?" I was distracted by Marley's unfortunate and very noticeable weight gain." Kitty said and turned her face at Marley.

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