Chapter 23

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I sat down on a chair in executive lounge. I'm waiting for Tanner. He said that he will come but it's been thirty minutes. If he doesn't come in fifteen minutes, then we will lose our plane and our trip to Venice will be canceled.

I let out a sigh as I saw Tanner walked towards me. Thank God than he finally came. So we will still have our trip and won't lose our plane.

"Where have you been?" I frowned at him.

"B, I'm so sorry that I can't go there with you." Tanner said to me.

"So? You want me to go alone?" I frowned at him. "Well, I guess I can cancel my trip too."

"No, you don't need to because I brought a replacement for me." Tanner grinned at me.

"Who?" I frowned.

Tanner grinned at me and pointed at behind my back. I turned around and saw Evan walked to us with his suitcase and his travel book on his hand. So I will go to Venice with Evan?

"So I will go to Venice with Evan?" I asked Tanner.

"Yup. I had paid for all the accommodations and it won't be fair if I cancel them all so I brought a replacement and yes you will go to Venice with him." Tanner smiled at me.

"I don't know what to say." I giggled and hugged him. "You're clearly the best." I smiled at him.

"Just a reminder that she will be my future wife so you can spend your time with her now. Because she will spend the rest of her life with me." Tanner grinned at Evan.

"Thanks, dude." Evan smiled at him.

"Enjoy your trip." Tanner smiled back at us and waved his hand.

I waved my hand and walked to the check in gate to get to our plane and get our boarding pass checked. I still can't believe that I would go on a trip with Evan. Isn't that amazing? We get to spend full summer together.

We got to our plane and looking for our seats. "Isn't that economy class over there?" Evan asked me.

"Check your boarding pass. When you travel with Collins or Anderson, you will never use economy class plane." I giggled and walked to first class.

I sit down on my seat as the stewardess showed us our seats. Evan sat down next to me and sigh in relief. "Never fly in a first class plane before." Evan said to me.

"You are now." I chuckled.

"Sam will be so jealous." Evan chuckled.

"It's a long trip so we use commercial plane with first class, if it's a short trip, we can use private jet." I grinned at him.

"Wow..." Evan simply nodded.

"Next time, we can travel use my dad's private jet." I smiled at him.

"Well, but this is nice." Evan chuckled and laid down. "Whoaa!"

"Press that button before you laid down." I laughed and shook my head.

Evan chuckled and shook his head. I laid down on the seat and make the bed mode and then checking out my phone as the plane already boarding. It will be a long trip but it's fun.


I opened my eyes slowly as I heard the announcement. I turned my face at Evan and smiled at him. I fell asleep while hugging his arm and rested my head on his sleeve. Never imagine that this would happen right now.

"Hey, wake up. We are landing." I said to him.

"Were you staring at me these whole time?" Evan smirked at me.

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