Chapter 30

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I was stretching out before I go onstage. Today is the time when we have our school play. My parents are here watching me and Blaine. But I don't know why Tanner and his parents are also here. I have a bad feeling about this actually.

"Rizzo, 60 seconds." Mike said to me.

"Break a leg." Sam smiled at me and pecked on my lips.

"Anyway, do you want to come to my dad's party after this?" I smiled at him.

"I can't babe. I have this part-time job. You know that my dad lost his job so now Evan and I are usually working part-time." Sam half-smiled at me.

"Maybe I can talk to my dad so that your dad can work in one of my dad's restaurants or his hotels." I smiled at him.

"You're the best." Sam smiled back at me and pecked on my lips multiple times.

I chuckled and shook my head. I walked to the stage until the curtain lift up and this is the time for me to have my iconic solo as the part of being Rizzo.

There are worse things I could do
Than go with a boy or two
Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy
And no good
I suppose it could be true
But there are worse things I could do

I could flirt with all the guys
Smile at them and bat my eyes
Press against them when we dance
Make them think they stand a chance
Then refuse to see it through
That's a thing I'd never do

I could stay home every night
Wait around for Mr. Right
Take cold showers every day
And throw my life away
On a dream that won't come true

I could hurt someone like me
Out of spite or jealousy
I don't steal and I don't lie
But I can feel and I can cry
A fact I'll bet you never knew
But to cry in front of you
That's the worst thing I could do

The curtains lift down and the auditorium is full with applauding from the audiences. I smiled and run towards Sam and hugged him tightly. Sam smiled back at me and hugged me back. I did it.

"You were amazing as Rizzo." Sam smiled at me.

"Because you are my Kenickie." I smiled back at him and pecked on his lips.

"Get a room." Evan frowned at us.

"Jealous much?" Sam laughed.

That's the difference of dating Sam and Evan. Evan doesn't really like PDA but physical act is Sam's love language so he loves showing the world that I'm his by hugging me or kissing me.

"Alright guys, almost our final act. Get ready everyone." Finn said to all of us.

I grabbed my pink ladies jacket and fix my make-up and my hair do before the final act. This is my first school play and I really enjoy it because I'm proud of myself that I can make it happen.


"Watching the skill, the nuance," this reviewer was forced to ask himself, is this not how it felt. And might the directing team of Mr. Hudson and Mr. Abrams be headed for careers at NASA? They should be, because last night "they plucked stars from the firmament "and named them Marley Rose and Ryder Lynn. Has ever an audience been so enraptured? Mayhap. But when the last breath of life crosses this reviewer's lips, 'Grease, McKinley, "Bravo."

I smiled and applauding while listening to Artie who reads the critics of our performance today and turned out it was really good. I'm sure that we are proud of it.

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