Chapter 24

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*Bianca's POV*

Summer has passed and here we are senior year. I'm ready to face my future and I'm trying my new luck as a professional female model and a designer for some brands.

I'm also planning to be senior class president. I'm sure I can win this since I was student body president in Victory School before so I have the strategy to win the race.

I'm still dating Tanner and he transferred back to Victory School. He supposed to move to New York but we can't handle long distance relationship so he stayed in Ohio and went back to Victory School until senior year then maybe we can live together in New York.

What about me and Evan? We're still friends but that's all. Nothing more. He made it clear that we are really over. We didn't talk since we left Venice and that's all. I love Tanner and in love with him so I guess that's it.

I walked down in the hallways and saw Jacob Ben Israel interviewed the other Glee club members, we are getting popular since we won Nationals in Chicago. But I don't need that because I was already popular.

I walked to my locker and opened my locker to take my book. I turned my face to small mirror in my locker and saw Sam opened his locker which is across mine.

"You enjoyed being surrounded by those girls?" I frowned at him.

"It's the benefits of being popular now." Sam smirked at me. "How's your Summer?"

"I bet you heard that about one thing in Italy from your brother." I said to him.

"Yeah Evan is stupid. He has the chance but he blew it off." Sam simply said.

"I think both of you are the same." I simply said and shut my locker.

Sam frowned and being quiet looking confused. I laughed and walked away. Yeah both Sam and Evan are stupid, they both had the chances but decided to blew it off. So don't blame me if I moved on.

I walked my way to the choir room and sat down on the front row until the others include Blaine walked in. Our first glee club meeting is today. I'm excited even though we lost some of our greatest voices here since they graduated.

"Glee!" Mr. Schue walked in as we are cheering. "We are coming off of a National Championship, but it's time to look forward, And thanks to Glee now being the coolest club in the school, this shouldn't be a problem. Yes, we've lost some big voices. But we still have some huge ones in here. And I promise to do everything I can to replace the ones we lost. And on that note, I'd like to introduce you to our newest member: The MVP of last year's nationals, Wade "Unique" Adams." Mr. Schue said to us as Wade walked in.

"He is a boy?" I whispered at Blaine.

"You think?" Blaine rolled his eyes.

"That's a great haircut, Mercedes. I thought you graduated." Brittany grinned at her.

"I wanted to be somewhere where different was celebrated." Wade said to us.

"We are so excited to have you here." Mr. Schue smiled at him as the others started to applauding annoyingly especially Blaine and Tina. "Guys where's the love?" Mr. Schue frowned at us.

"I think Wade is great, but the competition to be the new Rachel is already so intense, - the last thing that we need is one more contender." Blaine answered.

"The New Rachel"?" Mr. Schue frowned.

"Every glee club needs a star performer. Rachel was that, and now that she's gone, many of us want the job." Tina simply answered.

"Okay, we don't win with stars. We win as a team. One that supports new members. Now, I don't want to hear any more of this this "New Rachel" stuff, okay? Have a seat, Wade." Mr. Schue said and told Wade to sat down.

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