Chapter 33

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Bianca's POV

I sat down on the sun lounger on my pool side and reading a book. Hearing the sound of water from my swimming pool while reading is really relaxing and calming.

"Mind if I sit here?" Dad smiled at me and sat down next to me.

"Not at all." I giggled.

"What are you reading?" Dad asked me.

"The Velveteen Rabbit. It was my Christmas present from Sam." I answered.

"Speaking of him, is he okay? I haven't gotten a chance to thank him for protecting you."

"He is fine. He left the hospital already." I nodded and closed my book then let out a sigh. "Daddy, there's something I want to talk to you."

"About your engagement?"

"Uh-huh." I nodded. "I think I don't want to marry Tanner. I'm in love with someone else. I'm so sorry, dad. I will take over the company and work hard but let me be with someone that I love." I looked down.

"I called it off already." Dad simply said. I turned my face at him and frowned. "Tanner is such a good guy, he is. But his father doesn't. Cooper and your mom opened my eyes somehow. His father brainwashed me so that I would marrying you with Tanner. With that, Tanner will take over the company and he will slowly take all the money to his pocket and ruin The Anderson. I should've known that in the business, we can't trust people too much. Tanner also didn't know about his dad's plan."

"So, what now? What about the companies?"

"Cooper decided to handle some of them. Also, I heard that Collins moved to London include Tanner." Dad shrugged.

"That's why he blocked me." I nodded along. "So now I can be with the guy I love right?"

"Of course. You don't choose love, love chooses you." Dad smiled at me. "Besides, since we announced that engagement, all I can see was sadness from your eyes. I was wrong, I was selfish and I apologize for that, honey."

"I know what you did was the best, dad."

"Yes but for my own not for you. I was too scared to lose all my business property instead of losing my only daughter." Dad sighed. "Well, can you invite Sam to have dinner with us this Friday? I want to thank him."

"He has a girlfriend, dad. Lately, his girlfriend warned me to stay away from him so I don't think so." I shrugged.

"Okay, let me know if he's available." Dad rubbed my head and walked away.

I let out a sigh and smiled to myself. I'm now free. I'm no longer someone's fiance anymore. I can be with someone who I love without hiding it. Thank God for my family who always be there for me.

Suddenly my phone is vibrating. I take a look at it there's an email from Finn. Must be about glee club.

"Dear Glee Club, I realize most of you think it's stupid to still call us that. I mean, our season's over, so what are we now, really? We lost Sectionals, so what do we have left?  Nothing. We've got nothing. I got a phone call from Rachel last night. She just won the Winter Showcase at NYADA, which is, like, this huge deal. Like, not once in history has it ever gone to a Freshman. And she reminded me why. I joined Glee Club in the first place. It's about music. Every one of us loves music. And no one can take that away from us. I'm not giving up on you. Marley found a place where we can rehearse, "and I want us to meet there today after school at 5:00. I hope I see you all there."

I half smiled and looked at my watch. It's almost 5.00 o'clock actually. I stood up from my seat and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I took my coat and my shawl. After that I walked out from my house and walked to my car.

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