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"Baby" I grumbled, hitting out at the hand that was lightly caressing my naked spine. "Demi, we've gotta get up" I released a breath as I forced my eyes open. I took one glance at the clock and shook my head, nuzzling my face back into the pillow. I could hear Odell lightly laughing beside me.

"It's 3am. Why am I awake?" my voice was husky and muffled slightly by the pillow.

"Because I have one final surprise for my birthday girl" my eyes formed into slits as I turned to Odell who I finally realised was already dressed for the day.

"My birthday was yesterday."

"And?" I released a breath as I rolled onto my back, pulling the sheet up and over my head as I yawned. "Demi" he pulled the sheet back down my body causing me to groan. "We need to leave in half an hour, Angel."

"Why?" he chuckled as he stood by the bed with his hands on his hips and a playful smirk plastered across his face. "Odell?" his eyes twinkled as they met mine. "No" his smirk seemed to widen and I rolled my eyes as his arms slid under my naked body and he effortlessly lifted me off the bed. "This better be worth it" I mumbled as he lowered my feet to the floor.

"It will be" he pressed a kiss to my forehead as his hand moved to settle on my bare ass. "Get dressed. Wear something comfy" I nodded as he pulled away from me and he left the room. I released a yawn and rubbed at my eyes as I trudged into Odell's closet. I grabbed out a pair of leggings and then one of Odell's sweaters that I'd almost adopted as mine. I think he'd notice though if I "accidentally" took it home. I quickly got dressed, shoved my hair into a high ponytail and brushed my teeth. I checked my appearance in the mirror, decided it was far too early in the morning to care and I headed out of the room and down into the kitchen where Odell was sipping at a mug of what I can only assume is coffee.

"Do I get one of those?" he lightly laughed as I nodded down at the mug in his hands. He lowered his down onto the counter and then turned to the coffee machine. I glanced down at Batman as he began to paw at my feet. "Hi Baby. Did daddy get you up early too?" he began to lick at my fingers.

"Daddy?" I nibbled on my lip as I glanced up at Odell who was pouring some creamer into my coffee.

"You did buy him for me? And we are a couple, aren't we?" I softly laughed as Batman pulled away from me, running off to his water bowl. I straightened myself, flashing Odell a smile as I took the mug from him. "So, why am I up so early on the first day of my week off?" he lightly laughed as he grabbed his mug, lifting it up to his lips where a smirk sat.

"Because it's a secret" I rolled my eyes as he laughed. "We're leaving in 5. You took a while to get dressed" I hit him lightly on the chest as I took a sip of my coffee.

"It takes a while to look this amazing" he wrapped his arm around my waist and leant to peck my lips. "Where are we going?" he just shook his head as he rinsed out his empty mug. I sighed in defeat as I continued to sip at my coffee, watching Odell as he got Batman settled in his crate. He just lay there with his head on his paws. "How long are we going to be away for?" Odell remained silent. I released a breath as I finished off my coffee just as a knock sounded on the front door. Odell went to grab it as I rinsed out my mug.

"Baby, you ready to go?" I turned to Odell as he stepped back into the kitchen. My eyes then went to Batman.

"Is someone coming to check on Batman while we're gone?"

"Your mom has a key" I nodded, taking his hand that he reached out to me. His smile widened as I took it. "Love you" I leant up to peck his lips. I said bye to Batman and then allowed Odell to pull me from the kitchen. Odell locked up the front door and then led me down to the black Escalade where Max sat in the driver's seat. We slid into the back, Odell's hand instantly moved to settle on my thigh.

"Max, will you tell me where Odell's taking me?" he laughed as he shook his head. I sighed in defeat as I glanced over at Odell who had a smirk plastered across his face. We had been in the car for just over half an hour when we pulled up into LAX. It had taken everything I had not to fall asleep. "Why are we at the airport?" I rubbed at my eyes as I turned to Odell who just continued to silently caress my thigh. The airport was obviously almost completely empty and it wasn't until we checked in that I realised what was happening. "You're taking me to Bora Bora?" my lips twitched into a wide smile as Odell nodded, his smile identical to mine.

"It's your final birthday present. There's no more."

"You really have spoilt me" he leant to kiss me. "What about Batman? I kinda feel bad for leaving him so early" he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine" I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're the best boyfriend ever" he nuzzled his face into my neck as his arms locked tightly around my waist. "I love you."

"I love you too" we eventually pulled away from each other and headed towards security which we walked through without any issue. We settled in the lounge and I managed to get in a nap, curled into Odell, before we had to board the flight to Bora Bora. My favourite place on earth.


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