Twenty Five

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I knocked my knuckles against the door and then crossed my arms over my chest as I waited for an answer. Matthew pulled the door open a moment later, his lips twitching into a smirk as he stepped out of the way for me to enter.

"So..." I rolled my eyes as I turned to face him. He closed the door and then turned to me wearing a smirk. "Is it true?" he nodded down to my stomach. I bit down on my lip as I nodded. "Ah fuck, I'm gonna be an uncle" his smile widened and I squealed as he locked his arms around my waist and he twirled me around in a circle.

"Matthew, put me down" I hit him lightly on the back. "Twirling me like that isn't going to help with the nausea" he rolled his eyes as he halted his movements.

"Do you have a picture?" he questioned as he lowered my feet to the floor and I stumbled away from him. I nodded as I pulled my phone from my pocket. The sonogram of our little baby was my lock screen. "Aww, that's so cute. It's so tiny" I bit down on my lip and giggled as my cheeks burnt. "I'm assuming this is the reason for the sickness?" I nodded as I took my phone back and I shoved it into my pocket.

"Yeah, it's settled a little but I still feel nauseous at times. I can't eat certain foods anymore."

"I can't believe that you're having a baby" I nodded as I glanced down. "I'm guessing Odell's happy?"

"He's so fucking excited" Matthew's eyebrows raised slightly.

"And how do you feel about it? I know that you've always wanted babies but it can still be a bit of a shock."

"It was definitely a shock. I had to change birth control so it happened during that period, Dr Jones said it isn't unusual because of the change in hormones and everything" I bit down on my lip as I glanced down at my hands. "I'm nervous" he flashed me a light smile. "I'm scared that something's gonna go wrong or I'm gonna lose it. That's why it sucks so much that the paparazzi caught us because I wasn't planning to tell anyone yet. I wanted it to stay a secret for a while" I shrugged as I caressed my flat stomach.

"How many weeks are you, Dem?"

"I'm 9 weeks. Due October 30th."

"I still can't believe you're having a baby" I laughed as he stood staring at me with slightly wide eyes.


Odell's fingers lightly caressed my side as we lay curled up on the sofa watching some sort of action movie. I can't say I was really paying attention. I was just trying to ignore the way my stomach turned and fluttered. I must have caught Odell's attention as I began to take deep breaths because he spoke.

"You okay, Angel?" I rapidly shook my head as I shot up from the couch. Batman was quick to move out of my way as I almost ran towards the downstairs bathroom. I clutched at the side of the toilet, tears burning the backs of my eyes as I heaved. And I thought I'd keep my food down today. "I'm so sorry, Baby" Odell lightly brought my hair into a ponytail.

"Why are you sorry?" I questioned, wiping at my cheeks.

"Because I feel like this is partly my fault" I lightly laughed as I shook my head, keeping my face pointed at the toilet.

"It takes two to make a baby" he gently laughed as he leant to kiss the back of my head. His fingers continued to trace along my back as I heaved, throwing up everything in my stomach. It wasn't until I was certain I'd vomited up everything I could that I moved away from the toilet. "Vomiting brings back so many horrible memories. I suppose I've just got to think that all this vomiting is for something positive" Odell combed a strand of hair behind my ear as he leant to kiss my temple.

"It's for our baby" I bit down on my lip as I lightly smiled. I tiredly giggled as Odell wrapped his arms around me and he lifted me up, carrying me bridal style. My arms wrapped loosely around his neck. He slowly lowered my feet to the floor by the sink. He kept his hands on my hips as I rinsed out my mouth. His fingers lightly caressed my sides.

"You wanna head to bed or finish off the movie?" I turned to him, combing my fingers through his curls.

"Can we watch a movie in bed?" he lightly laughed as he leant to kiss my forehead. I squealed as he wrapped his arms back around me and he lifted back up against his chest.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea" I rolled my eyes as he carried me out of the bathroom and towards the stairs. "I'll get you settled in bed and then I'll come and clean up downstairs" I smiled up at him as I curled his hair around my fingers, managing to lean in and kiss his cheek.

"I like a man who does the housework" he rolled his eyes as I bit down on my lip and giggled. He managed to move the sheet out of the way and then he gently lowered me down onto the bed, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he covered me back over with the sheet. He grabbed the tv remote off the nightstand and he handed it to me.

"Pick what you want to watch, Angel" I nodded as I pressed the on button. "Do you want anything to eat?"

"Can you grab me a glass of water and then some plain crackers or something? I've just vomited up everything I've eaten today and it sucks" he nodded as he leant to kiss me. I relaxed back against the pillows as he left the room, beginning to caress my belly as I smiled. "No matter how sick you make me, I will always love you, Baby. You're very quickly becoming my world. I love you" I pressed a kiss to my hand and then placed it onto my belly.


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