Thirty One

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"Are you not a little scared about giving birth though?" my eyebrows scrunched together as I glanced at Dallas who was staring down at my bump where her hand sat, it was placed just above where baby girl was kicking. "Like, you've got to push a head the size of a watermelon out of your vagina that's like the size of a pea" I glanced over at Odell as he laughed. I rolled my eyes as Dallas looked at me.

"Did you skip health class?" my lips twitched into a smirk.

"Whether I skipped health class or not, it's still something big that you've got to push out" I laughed at her choice of words.

"I suppose it is but women have been giving birth for centuries so..." I shrugged my shoulders, lightly caressing my belly.

"What does it feel like when they're kicking you?"

"It's incredible but it does feel like I've got a little alien inside me or something" Madison stepped into the room, a wide smile spreading across her face as her eyes landed on me.

"Oh my god, hi" I gave her a light wave.

"Hi Baby Girl" she dumped her purse down by the couch and then bent down to momentarily fuss Batman who was loudly yapping for her attention as he pawed at her leg. She lifted Batman into her arms and dropped down onto the couch beside me. She cuddled herself into my side. I smiled as I lowered my head on top of hers.

"I didn't know you were coming over."

"Surprise" she pulled herself away from my side. I lightly laughed at the way she rolled her eyes. "Mom invited us over for dinner and she said it was meatloaf, so I couldn't decline" I gently combed my fingers through the ends of her hair.

"Mom makes an amazing meatloaf" I lightly laughed as I nodded. "You had an appointment this week, didn't you?" I nodded, biting down on my lip as my smile widened. I know exactly what she's going to ask me because mom and Dallas have already asked. "Did you find out whether I'm going to have a niece or nephew?"

"We did" her eyes glistened with excitement. "But I'm afraid you're going to have to wait until they get here" her lower lip stuck out as she released a huff.

"That's not fair" I lightly giggled as I glanced to Odell who was gently laughing.

"Nobody else knows, it's totally fair" she just rolled her eyes.

"Are they kicking?" I nodded, holding out my hand for hers. I placed her hand onto my belly so she could feel baby. I watched her as a smile formed on her face. "Does it hurt?"

"No, it just feels a little strange" we all glanced over to the door as my mom stepped through with dad just behind her. I think everyone's eyes landed on the box in her hands. "Mom, what's that?" I adjusted myself on the couch as she walked towards me, a smile on her face as she passed me the box.

"We stumbled across it when we was sorting out the spare bedroom yesterday" I kept my eyes on her as I took it. Dallas and Madison had moved their hands off my belly so I lowered the box onto my lap. My jaw lowered slightly as I lifted the lid. "It's loads of stuff you had when you was a baby" my lips twitched into a smile as I pulled out a teddy bear that had stuffing falling out of its leg. "You used to carry that around with you everywhere. You used to hold it by its leg and drag it along the floor. I can't remember what you used to call it."

"His name was Pickle. My obsession with pickles started as a toddler apparently" my cheeks lightly burnt as everyone laughed. My vision suddenly began to blur.

"Mom, you shouldn't have brought this downstairs. You're messing with the pregnant lady's hormones" I lightly laughed as I glanced up at Dallas who joked. I wiped beneath my eyes as I lowered the teddy back into the box. Also in the box was a blanket that had Demetria engraved in the corner. There was also a hospital ankle bracelet that had my name, date of birth and mother's name written on it.

"I don't know how they mixed you up with another baby when you had that on your ankle" I lightly laughed as I glanced up at my mom. "I'm glad I realised that they'd mixed you up. Life would have been totally..." she shook her head, lifting her hand up to wipe under her eye. "Not worth thinking about" I shook my head, glancing back into the box.

"Why is there hair in the box?" Madison questioned, the way her face scrunched up in slight disgust made me laugh.

"That was from Demi's first hair cut" I glanced up to meet my mom's gaze. "You had just turned two. You cried as she cut it and I felt awful afterwards" I flashed her a light smile.

"I can't remember it so you don't need to feel bad" she gently laughed. We continued to rummage through the contents of the box, baby girl every so often kicking against my side. Dallas pulled out a white baby onesie.

"Erm, I don't think this was from when you was a baby" she held it up so I could see the front. It had 'Baby Beckham est. 2018' written across it. It had a cartoon style elephant underneath it. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I blinked. "And she's crying again" I rolled my eyes as I took the onesie from Dallas and turned it for Odell to see.

"That's awesome" I nodded as I glanced down at it.

"Thank you, it's adorable" I passed the box over to Dallas and then stood to wrap my mom in a hug. I gave my dad a hug and then walked to Odell. "We finally have something for baby" I lowered myself onto his lap, his hand instantly moved to settle on my bump as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He slid his other hand along my cheek as I leant in to kiss him. "I love you" he nodded as I cuddled myself into him. He pressed a kiss to my forehead as we went back to spending the afternoon with my family.


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