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I grumbled as I wiped my nose, pressing my hand to my forehead. I covered my mouth and coughed. I glanced up at the door as it was pushed open and Odell stepped in with a tray. Batman ran towards me, his tail wagging in excitement.

"Hey Baby" my voice was rough and scratchy.

"How you feeling, Angel?" my lips twitched slightly at the corners at the nickname.

"I hate being sick. My throat feels really scratchy" he stepped up to me, lowering the tray down onto my lap. I tiredly smiled at the soup. "You're so sweet" he leant to kiss my forehead and then lifted Batman up onto the bed.

"This should help, Baby. It's got some herbal stuff in it, my mom used to make it all the time" I lightly smiled as I took a hold of the spoon. "You did amazing last night though, despite being sick" he took a seat beside me and then stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"My voice cracked, Odell, and I couldn't even hit the high notes" he leant to kiss my temple as I lifted the spoon up to my lips. I blew it gently and placed it into my mouth. It helped to soothe my throat as I swallowed.

"You did incredible."

"Phil doesn't seem to think so" his eyebrows scrunched together. I kept my eyes down on the soup that I stirred with the spoon. "He-He sent me a text while you were out. He thinks my performance lacked energy. I told him that I was sick and he didn't care" I lifted the spoon back up to my lips.

"Then he can go and fuck himself" I lightly laughed as I glanced over to him. It hurt my throat though so I ended up having a little coughing fit. I grabbed the glass of water and took a sip as Odell lightly caressed my back.

"He's my manager, Odell. I can't just tell him to fuck himself" I lowered the glass back down onto the tray and grabbed the spoon so I could continue to eat the soup.

"If he doesn't care about your health, then he can fuck himself. You're sick, Baby. You shouldn't be straining yourself this much when you're sick, Angel" my heart melted at his concern as he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I-I have another performance tomorrow."

"No, you don't" my eyebrows scrunched together as I glanced to him. "You're not performing, Demi. If you keep performing, you aren't going to get better" I released a sigh. "You can barely talk, Dem, never mind sing."

"I-I might be better by tomorrow" Odell just rolled his eyes. "I can't cancel the performance, Odell."

"Pass me your phone."



"No" he released a breath as he ran his fingers through his curls. I relaxed back against the pillows as I glanced to him. "Are you mad at me?" he released a laugh as he shook his head, leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"I'm not mad at you, Angel. I just-He treats you like shit and you don't see it. I hate the way he treats you."

"He's my manager, he does what he has too" he shook his head but thankfully didn't mention it again.

"How's the soup?" I nodded as I grabbed the spoon.

"It's good. You made this?"

"Yeah, I have skills" I rolled my eyes as he smirked at me. "I love you. Promise me that you won't push yourself too hard" I nodded and flashed him a light smile. "I don't want you to overdo it. You've got to protect that beautiful voice of yours" I widely smiled as he cupped my chin and leant to kiss me.

"I don't want you to get sick. Men turn into babies when they're sick" I giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"And I love you too" he leant to kiss my temple as I went back to eating my soup.


"Hey" I glanced up from my laptop and smiled at Odell. "I thought you were asleep" he stepped up to me and took a seat beside me, his hand settling on my thigh.

"I tried but I couldn't fall to sleep so I thought I'd look up different wedding venues" I glanced back at my laptop.

"Where's that?"

"Somewhere in Texas."

"It's nice" I nodded as I changed to a different tab.

"This is in New York. It's a little bigger than the one in Texas" he leant to kiss my cheek. "Where do you want to get married? And I mean location. I want a serious answer too" he lightly laughed, obviously remembering when I asked him about when he wanted to get married.

"I know that you're not going to like this answer but I don't really mind" I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "I can fly my family out to wherever. I never really thought about it. I suppose if I like a venue then I'd get married there" I nodded as I bit down on my lip. I suppose I never really gave it much thought either. "What about you?"

"I suppose I think the same" I shrugged my shoulders. His lips twitched into a smirk and I laughed as I met his gaze. "There are some really nice venues. I'm glad we have over a year to choose one" he laughed as I leant my head on his shoulder. I covered my mouth as I yawned. "We can do some visits when I'm on tour next year, if you're free to fly out that is."

"I'm sure I can spare an hour or two" I closed my laptop lid and moved it off my lap. I cuddled myself into Odell's side and released a breath as he kissed the top of my head. He wrapped his arm around me and gently caressed my side. I lightly smiled as I allowed my eyes to close. "I love you" the smile on my face widened as I nodded.

"I love you too. Thank you for looking after me" he shook his head as he kissed the top of my head again.


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