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Demi | Mature

I stood in front of the mirror, wiping off my makeup when Odell stepped into the room. I flashed him a smile which he didn't reciprocate. My eyes glanced down at his phone that was sat in his hand which he was staring down at.

"You okay, Babe?" he didn't reply so I lowered the wipe down onto the counter and then turned to face him. "Odell?" his eyes met mine and there was this hint of anger in them. My stomach suddenly started to feel heavy. "Baby, what's wrong?" his eyes burnt into mine.

"Did you see who liked your Instagram post?" my eyebrows scrunched together so he turned his phone around. On the screen was an Instagram post created by a fan to show that Wilmer had liked my most recent post. For Odell to be able to see it, it means that they must have tagged him.

"Oh, yeah. I saw it earlier. Didn't think it was a big deal" I shrugged as I turned back to face the mirror.

"Not a big deal?" I glanced up at him through the mirror. "Not a big deal?" I raised my eyebrows. He released a sarcastic sort of laugh. "Demi, this is your ex-boyfriend. Your ex, who has just liked a photo of you with your ass hanging out" I turned to face him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Odell, it doesn't mean anything. We promised to remain friends when we split. I haven't spoken to him in over a year. If you click on the likes, you'll find that Joe Jonas liked it too. Are you going to accuse me of something there too?"

"I'm not accusing you of anything, but you loved him" I couldn't understand why he seemed so angry about all of this.

"Of course I loved him, Odell. I was with him for 6 years but I also loved Joe too."

"But you thought you were going to marry Wilmer, you said it in loads of interviews" he's jealous.

"Are you seriously questioning my feelings for you, right now, Odell? Are you seriously that jealous that you think I don't love you and I don't want to marry you?"

"I'm not jealous" my lips twitched into a smirk as I crossed my arms over my chest and I raised my eyebrows.

"You are so fucking jealous" he rolled his eyes and turned to leave the en-suite. "Odell?" I released a breath as I followed behind him as he slid out of the orange jumpsuit. "Odell, you have no reason to be jealous. I love you. I'm marrying you. Why does it matter that he liked my post?"

"The photo he liked is of you with your ass hanging out."

"Odell, he's seen more than that" his face almost turned red with anger. I instantly regretted that sentence.

"That's really not fucking helping, Demi" I bit down on my lip as I glanced down at my hands. My finger was still bare. I still feel naked without it. I hate having to take it off.

"Sorry" he released a breath as he took a seat on the bed. I glanced up at him and slowly took a step towards him. "You know that I don't feel anything for him anymore, right? Like there's probably still a little bit of love there but it isn't in a romantic way" he kept his eyes down on his hands. "I love all my friends, O" I began to comb my fingers through his curls. "Odell, I love you so fucking much. The love that I feel for you is different to any love I've felt for anyone else" he kept his gaze down so I forced him to look up at me by climbing onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to run my fingers through his curls. "You're my person, Odell. The love that I feel for you is so intense. I've never felt it before, I swear to you" he finally glanced up to meet my gaze. His lips twitched lightly at the corners.

"And I promise you that the love I feel for you, I've never felt for anyone else either" his hands slid along my waist as I leant down to kiss him.

"I promise that you don't need to worry about Wilmer liking my post. It means nothing to me" he nodded and then kissed me with an intense hunger. I squealed as he flipped us over, moaning as he began to kiss down my body.


I fell to sleep with no issue but was woken however long later by arms wrapping tightly around my waist from behind.

"O?" I questioned as I forced my eyes open and I cuddled myself back into him.

"Can't sleep" a pang of guilt shot through my heart as I rolled to face him. In the dim light I could just make out his features. I lightly traced my finger along his eyebrow.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you go in that haunted house" he shook his head as I leant to kiss him. "It was horrible of me" he laughed as he nuzzled his face into my neck and he tightened his arms around my waist. "I love you" he nodded as he pressed a light kiss to my neck. I lightly moaned as he found my weak spot. He began to gently nibble on my neck, his tongue then soothing it over. I could feel myself dampening as his hand moved down to my ass and along my thigh. He lifted it over his waist and his fingers gently began to fondle my entrance. "Odell" I cupped his face in my hands and crashed my lips to his. I moaned into the kiss as his fingers slowly slid inside and gave a few quick thrusts. "Fuck" my wetness coated his fingers as he removed them, pressing one finger against my clit as he pressed his erection against my slick entrance. His lips found mine as he slowly began to move his hip against me, his hand resting on my ass.


So, I'm writing this so far in advance. Already on Chapter Forty and I have so many more ideas. In love with this book so much 😂
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