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"Demi, it's gorgeous" Jill commented as she held my hand in hers and she observed the ring on my finger.

"Demi, it's gorgeous" Jill commented as she held my hand in hers and she observed the ring on my finger

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"Right? He did good" I beamed down at my ring. "I feel naked when I go out in public without it though" Jill flashed me a light smile. "On one hand, I want to tell the world about us but then I also don't because I don't want it to ruin us" I began to twiddle my ring around my finger. "The last nearly 9 months have been amazing. I don't want us to lose that."

"I don't think you will. You've both proved how much you love each other. Demi, no one's opinions should matter."

"I know, it's just everyone always seems so invested in my relationships to the point where they crumble apart" Jill stroked a strand of hair behind my ear. "We've done so good in keeping us a secret for the last 8 months."

"You know that secrets aren't meant to last forever" I nodded as I bit down on my lip. "Anyway, can I start your makeup otherwise you're going to be late."


"Hi Baby Boy" I cooed as I sunk to the floor, dumping my bag off my shoulder and beginning to fuss Batman as his little tail wagged in excitement. He began to lick at my hand as I scratched beneath his chin. "Have you missed me?" I giggled as he jumped up at me, his tongue licking at my chin. "I missed you too, Batman" I scratched under his ear.

"I hope you missed me?" I glanced up at the voice and smiled wider at Odell who was leant against the doorway.

"Of course, you idiot" I giggled as he rolled his eyes. I pushed myself to stand, Batman jumping at my legs as I headed to Odell. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he leant to kiss me. "It's nice to come home to you."

"How was the interview?" he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"It was okay. We just spoke about the tour and my new single really but they did ask about Batman and Bora Bora. One day, maybe they'll ask me about you" I intently watched his face, hoping to see his reaction. "I won't tell them much but..." I bit down on my lip as Odell lifted my left hand up to his lips. "I don't know whether I like having to take my ring off when I go out in public. I feel so naked without it. I kind of want people to know that I'm engaged" he pressed a kiss to my ring finger. I shoved my right hand into my pocket and passed him the little bag that held my ring. He silently took it out and then slowly slid it onto my finger.

"So, do you want to announce that we're together?"

"I think so" he nodded as his eyes glanced up from my engagement ring and they met mine. "I love you and I think it's stupid of me to be so scared of something going wrong."

"It's not stupid to be scared, Baby" he twirled a piece of my hair repeatedly around his finger. "I know how ruthless the media can be. I'm a little scared too."

"So, what do we do?" his thumb gently caressed my jawline.


"Baby, you look beautiful" I bit down on my lip as I turned to the mirror and I glanced at my reflection.

"You think?"

"I know" his arms wrapped around my waist from behind which made my lips twitch into a smile. He nuzzled his face into my neck making me giggle. "You smell amazing too" he laughed as I shoved his face from my neck.

"Are we doing the right thing?"

"I think so" he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"My stomach is doing flips. I'm so nervous" Odell tightened his grip around my waist and held me tightly against him. "You promise that no matter what happens, we're still going to be us?" I slowly turned to face him causing his arms to slightly drop from around my waist. "I don't want us to lose us" he nodded as he leant in to peck my lips.

"We've got this, Baby. I love you, I'm not going to let anyone ruin that" I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and brought his lips down to meet mine. "You're my world, Demi. I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I didn't see my future with you" he pressed a quick peck to my lips and then he pulled away. "Max will be here in 5, okay?" I nodded as I turned back to stare at my reflection. I released a breath and then reached for my stilettos which I slid my feet into. I headed down into the kitchen where Odell was getting Batman settled in his crate. "Mommy and daddy go out too much, huh?" my lips twitched into a wide smile at him referring to himself as Batman's daddy. It made my heart feel full. "Be a good boy, okay?" he pushed himself to stand, stopping in his tracks as he turned and noticed me. "How long have you been stood there for?"

"Not too long" my lips formed into a smirk. He rolled his eyes which just made me lightly giggle. Before he had the chance to speak, there was a knock on the door. "Are-Are we sure that we're ready to do this?" he nodded as he walked up to me and he took my hands in his.

"We're ready, Baby. If we don't do it now, we never will" he combed his fingers gently through the ends of my hair. "I can't wait to show you off. I can't wait for people to know that you're mine" he held up my left hand and I smiled as my engagement ring glistened in the kitchen light. "I love you. Come on" I swallowed down the lump in my throat and then followed him out of the house where we met up with Max.

Hot New Couple Alert.

Songstress, Demi Lovato, and Los Angeles Rams wide receiver, Odell Beckham Jr were spotted looking cosy at Nobu this evening.

A spokesperson said 'the pair looked comfortable in each other's presence, they looked to enjoy each other's company. It seems they may have been dating for longer than just this one date.'

The couple spent the evening joking with each other until they left in the late evening together. It's left us wondering how long this couple have been seeing each other in secret.


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