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Liked by diannadelagarza and 2,917,826 othersddlovato Y'all ain't ready 😝🎶View all 825,973 commentsobj That smile does things to me 😻🤤      ddlovato 😘❤️matthew_scott_montgomery I'M READY FOR IT 🙌🏼

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Liked by diannadelagarza and 2,917,826 others
ddlovato Y'all ain't ready 😝🎶
View all 825,973 comments
obj That smile does things to me 😻🤤
ddlovato 😘❤️
matthew_scott_montgomery I'M READY FOR IT 🙌🏼

Batman bounded to me as I stepped from the recording booth. He jumped up at my legs as I slowly sunk down onto the couch, leaning over to scratch beneath his chin.

"I think we've finally got it" Oak commented as he continued to press buttons on his sound board.

"We better. I'm kinda over singing the song already" he laughed as I lightly joked, lifting Batman onto my lap. "Did you miss me, Baby?" I giggled as he licked at my chin.

"You ready, Dem?" I glanced up at Oak and nodded. He pressed play and then leant back against his chair as the intro to 'Cry Baby' filled the room. I continued to fuss Batman as we listened to the recording of my final song off the album. "You killed it" I bit down on my lip as my cheeks reddened. "That was incredible. I have literal goosebumps."

"Thank you."

"It won't need any touching up. Your vocals are incredible" my cheeks just seemed to burn harder. "To be fair, you hit every note perfectly every time."

"Stop it, Oak" he laughed as I playfully rolled my eyes. I reached to grab my phone as it buzzed on the table.

Matthew💙: Lunch date?! 🥺

I lightly laughed as I tapped out my reply.

Me: You miss me? 😜 Panera at 1:30?

"You wanna take a sneaky listen to the album?" I glanced up at Oak who was watching me with a wide smile. I lightly laughed as I nodded, locking my phone and shoving it into my purse. I relaxed back against the couch, my fingers combing through Batman's fur as Oak pressed play on the first song.


I giggled as Matthew's grip tightened around me.

"You are to never leave me for that long again" I laughed as I pulled myself from his grip.

"I didn't leave you" I rolled my eyes and hit him on the chest. "If anything you left me" he rapidly shook his head.

"I was working, you were with..." he stopped himself, took a look around and then he leant in to me as he whispered. "Your fiancé" my lips twitched into a wide smile at the word. "How is he anyway?" I nodded as I took a seat opposite him.

"He's good. We're good" Batman thankfully laid down under the table. I sat on his leash and lowered my purse down onto the floor between my feet. "How have you been?"

"Good. I've been offered that part I auditioned for" my jaw slowly fell open as his smile widened.

"Oh my gosh, seriously? I'm so proud of you."

"It sucks that filming is in New York but it's a new opportunity and I can't possibly turn it down."

"I'd unfriend you if you did" I lightly giggled as he rolled his eyes. A waitress stepped up to the table with a smile which just seemed to widen as she obviously recognised who I was. Her eyes seemed to sparkle every time she glanced at me.

"H-Hi, I'm Sam. W-What can I-I get for you both?" I bit down on my lip to suppress my laughter as I glanced to Matthew who ordered first. Batman was now sniffing at the young girls shoes. Once Matthew had ordered, I placed mine.

"Can I borrow your pen?" she nodded without a moments hesitation. I flashed her a smile as I grabbed a napkin. I wrote her a little note and then signed it before I passed it over to her. "Don't go selling that on eBay, okay?" she rapidly shook her head as her cheeks slowly seemed to redden.

"I-I won't. Thank you" I lightly laughed as she scurried off.

"And that is how you handle the fans" I rolled my eyes as Matthew joked. I then glanced down at Batman who was staring up at me, his tail wagging once he noticed that he'd caught my attention.


"Have you set a budget for the wedding yet?" I glanced over to Dallas with furrowed eyebrows as she scrolled through my laptop where she sat on the kitchen counter.

"Dallas, we've been engaged for 3 weeks."

"And?" I rolled my eyes as I continued to load the dishwasher with the plates and cutlery in the sink from breakfast. "So I can assume you haven't set a date yet?" I released a breath as I closed the dishwasher and I turned to face Dallas. I leant back against the counter and crossed my arms over my chest.

"No. I don't even know whether it's going to be next year. I have such a busy year with touring and I don't think I could plan a wedding on top of it" she nodded, her eyes glancing to the laptop screen. Her lips twitched instantly into a smile. "What are you looking at anyway?" she shook her head and closed the laptop lid as I walked around the counter towards her. "You know that's my laptop and I can just search the history, right?" she rolled her eyes as I smirked down at her.

"You're no fun" she opened the laptop and once the screen flickered to life, I rolled my eyes. "What? Do you not think it's cute?" I shook my head as I slid onto the stool beside her.

"Where is it?"

"Somewhere in Texas" I bit down on my lip. "Where would you even want to get married?"

"I don't know, that's a conversation I need to have with Odell. How about you can help me pick out my dress" the smile on her face widened as she instantly searched up bridal shops. "I didn't mean now, Dallas" I smiled at the sound of the front door which caused Batman to dart up from where he lay in his crate and shoot from the room. His little barks filtered into the kitchen. Odell stepped into the room with Batman dancing around his feet just a moment later. "Hi Baby" his smile widened as he slid his hand along my neck and he leant to kiss me. "How was training?"

"Same old" he glanced over my shoulder at the laptop. "What's Dallas looking at?"

"She's looking at wedding dresses. I may have said she could help me pick out mine" he lightly laughed as he nodded, leaning to kiss my forehead before he walked towards the refrigerator to grab himself a drink.


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