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The smell of breakfast made my stomach growl as I stepped into the kitchen with Batman at my feet. I smiled over at Odell who was stood by the stove. I stepped up behind him, my hand lightly caressing his naked back.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Handsome" his lips twitched into a smile as he took the pan of eggs off the heat.

"Morning, Angel" I leant to peck his cheek. "There's a fresh pot of coffee if ya want one" I nodded and grabbed myself a mug. I poured myself a mug of coffee, glancing down to Batman who was happily eating his own breakfast. I placed my hand on my stomach as it grumbled. Odell's lips twitched into a smirk as he briefly glanced to meet my gaze. "Hungry?" I rolled my eyes and lightly slapped him on the arm. "It's nearly finished, Babe" I nodded, letting Batman out onto the backyard as he pawed at the door.

"What time is your mom getting here?" I leant back against the counter, sipping on my coffee.

"Her flight lands at 2. She says she'll be over around 4" I nodded as I watched him plate up breakfast.

"Okay, I told my parents to get here for 3" he nodded his reply. "I can't wait to see your mom again."

"She can't wait to see you either, Baby" I smiled as he glanced at me over his shoulder and he flashed me a smirk.

"You want to decorate those gingerbread houses we brought after breakfast?" he nodded as I took a plate from him. He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead. I took a seat at the counter and began to eat my breakfast, the radio quietly playing Christmas songs through the kitchen. Odell let Batman back into the house and then took a seat beside me. We ate breakfast with light conversation and then Odell headed to get the gingerbread houses. I smiled as he returned, lowering the boxes down onto the table. "I love making these even though you get so messy" he laughed as we started to unpack each of the boxes. 'All I want for Christmas' by Mariah Carey started to play through the speakers and Odell suddenly began to sing. I couldn't help but to laugh at him. He turned to me, leaning in to press his lips to my ear.

"All I want for Christmas is you" I bit down on my lip and giggled as I turned to him.

"You can't sing, Baby" he loudly laughed as he wrapped his arm around my waist and he pulled me into his side. I couldn't help but to loudly laugh as he continued to sing, quite terribly might I add.

"You'll have to sing the lullabies to our babies then" my cheeks suddenly began to heat up.

"I doubt they'll care for the first year or two" he rolled his eyes as I smirked. "Now, get decorating. The first to finish wins, you know I like a competition" he rolled his eyes as I went back to putting together my own gingerbread house.

It took 3 hours for us to finish our gingerbread houses, 2 of those were us just trying to keep them from falling apart.

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"You both look like Christmas threw up on you" I bit down on my lip as I glanced down at my penguin pyjamas. I then looked over at Odell who was wearing the exact same ones. We decided to just have a pyjama day.

"We love Christmas in this house" I hit Odell on the chest at his sarcasm, he flashed me a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't pretend you don't enjoy it, Odell" Heather leant in to kiss his cheek before she pulled me into a hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you again, Sweetheart" I smiled and nodded into her neck as I hugged her back.

"You too, Heather" she pressed a kiss to my temple as we pulled away from each other.

"Are your parents here yet, Honey?" I nodded and pointed into the living room.

"Yeah, they're in there. You'll be able to see Batman, he's currently being fussed by Madison" her smile widened as she headed into the living room. Odell and I followed behind her.

"Hi Dianna" Odell wrapped his arm around my neck and held me against his side as his mom pulled mine into a hug all while Batman sniffed at her feet. She hasn't yet met Batman.

"Heather, it's been so long."

"It really has. You'll be seeing more of me in the new year" my eyebrows scrunched together as I glanced to Odell who looked as equally confused.

"Mom, what you on about?" her smile started to widen as she glanced back at Odell.

"If you're gonna be getting married and settling down. I wanna be closer to any future grandkids. I'm moving to LA" my jaw slowly began to drop in surprise. I never thought Heather would be someone to move to LA. She always loved the quiet life she had in Louisiana.

"Are you serious?"

"I have a house all ready for me to move in come the new year. I wanna be closer to my son and daughter-in-law" my hand covered my mouth as Odell pulled his mom into a hug. It's always killed him to have his mom so far away. I know that it doesn't put a major dent in his pocket to fly her out but having her closer to home will be so much better. It'll mean he won't have to fly out to see his mom and we'll be able to spend many holidays together. "So those future grandkids, when we talking?" Odell rolled his eyes at Heather's smirk and I bit down on my lip as my cheeks burnt.

"Not yet, Mom" I turned to meet Odell's gaze as he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You know I'm only messing" she nudged Odell lightly in the side. "Now, let's fuss Batman" I lightly laughed as she sunk slightly to the floor to fuss Batman who was still trying to grab at her attention by pawing at her legs.

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