Fifty Four

416 24 2

Demi | Mature

"Dem?" I jumped, pulling my eyes from the cupboard and glancing over to Odell as he stood in the doorway. "You okay, Angel?" I reached for the box of tampons.

"I'm late. I-I was supposed to come on July 30th, with Iona's birthday and everything it slipped my mind" I glanced back at Odell who I could tell was trying to hold in his smile. "It could just be stress. I-I wasn't exactly looking after myself."

"But it could also be something else. You-You could be pregnant" I turned back to stare into the cupboard, instantly finding the box of pregnancy tests. We had already used one in June and that had come back negative. I already don't want to see another negative result. I swallowed as I placed the tampons back into the cupboard and then grabbed the pregnancy test from the box. I pushed myself to stand as Odell moved to stand at my side.

"What if it is just stress?" tears began to well in my eyes.

"Then it's just stress, Angel. We can keep trying" he flashed me a light smile as he caressed my cheek.

"I really wanna give you a baby" he softly laughed as I glanced back down at the test. He leant to kiss the top of my head, his fingers still running through my hair.

"You've already given me a baby, Demi" I nibbled on my lip as I continued to silently stare down at the test. "Now, we won't ever find out if you don't pee on it" I rolled my eyes as he gently laughed. I glanced up at him, tears lining my lower lid. "I'd pee on it for you if I could, Angel."

"You won't hate me if it's negative again?"

"Stop talking stupid. I could never hate you" he cupped my face in his hands and gently forced me to look at me. There was nothing but honesty in his beautiful eyes. "Go and pee on the stick, Dem" he pressed a kiss to my forehead and then gently nudged me into the direction of the toilet. I released a breath, trying to steady my heart that was beginning to rapidly pound against my chest. I fumbled with the packet, my hands beginning to sweat. I tried my hardest to hold back my tears but they blurred my vision anyway. Other than my late period, I have no other symptoms. I can't possibly be pregnant. I bit down on my lip to stifle a sob. I eventually managed to remove the test from the packet and with shaking hands, I managed to do my business. I headed back out into the main bathroom where Odell was sat on the edge of the bathtub. I placed the test face down on the counter and then went to wash my hands. Odell moved to stand behind me, his hands running along my sides and then his arms wrapped around my waist. "3 minutes, right?" I nodded, watching as he used his watch to set a timer.

"I don't feel any different than normal, Odell, so don't go getting your hopes up. I doubt it'll be positive" he slowly turned me to face him, his hands cupping my face.

"Maybe this baby's just going easy on you" I rolled my eyes, lightly pushing his hands off my face. He caught my wrist before I could walk away from him. "Is there not a little bit of you that believes you could be pregnant?" I stared off at the wall as I shrugged. "Demi, you're late. That's one of the first signs that points to pregnancy."

"But I've been late loads, Odell, and I've only ever been pregnant the once. It doesn't always mean I'm pregnant" I pulled my wrist from his grip and walked into the master bedroom. I took a seat on the edge of the bed and stared down at my hands as I nervously played with my fingers. I jumped from my stare at the sound of Odell's alarm. There was silence for a few moments, the suspense was killing me. "What-What does it say?" I glanced up at Odell as he stepped into the room, staring down at the test in his hand. He had an unreadable expression on his face. "Odell?" he slowly walked towards me, holding out the test for me to take.

"You're pregnant, Demi" his mouth twitched into a wide smile. I snatched the test from his hand, my hand flew to cover my mouth and I choked on a sob at the two lines.

"I'm pregnant" he laughed as he nodded, wrapping his arms around me. "We're pregnant" I squealed as he twirled me in a circle, my face nuzzled into his neck as tears rolled down my cheeks. He eventually lowered my feet to the floor and he cupped my face in his hands. Odell also had tears pouring down his cheeks. I lightly wiped them away with my fingers.

"I love you" he pressed his lips to mine. I nodded as I brought his lips back down to meet mine. His hands settled on my hips and I squealed against his lips as he lowered me down onto the bed. He separated my legs and managed to settle himself between them. His fingers hooked in my shorts and he slowly pushed them down my legs. I locked my arms around his neck and combed my fingers through his curls as he kissed down my jawline and down into my neck. I began to tug at the back of his shirt, he pulled away as I managed to pull it over his head. I then cupped his face in my hands and brought his lips back down to meet mine. His tongue slid along my lower lip. Our tongues danced together as he removed his boxers and he pressed himself into my slick hole. My back arched into him as he slowly eased himself into me, my mouth falling open as a moan slipped from the back of my throat.


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