Twenty One

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Demi Lovato rushes off stage in New York.

Lovato, 25, is currently touring the United States on her Tell Me You Love Me World Tour. The singer performed at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, last night but only managed to make it through half of her hit single 'Heart Attack' before she rushed off stage.

The Sorry Not Sorry hit maker was forced to postpone the rest of the concert due to this. Tonights performance in Montreal has not yet been cancelled. Keep checking back for regular updates.

I rolled out of bed with a grumble at the knock on my door. My head pounded with every step that I took. I pulled it open and flashed Kelsey a light smile as she held up the plastic bag.

"Thanks" I took it from her and then headed back into the room with Kelsey following behind me. "I-I'll pay you back" she shook her head as she gave me a light smile.

"Don't worry about it" I lowered the plastic bag onto the bed and pulled out the cardboard box.

"What do I do?"

"I-I think you pee on..."

"Not with the test, Kelsey" I rolled my eyes and lightly laughed as I turned to face her. "I-I have done a pregnancy test before" I released a breath as my heart began to pound against my chest. "What do I do if it's positive? We-We've spoken about having kids, but not yet. I-I didn't think any of this would happen until after the wedding, until we were actually planning to have babies" Kelsey flashed me a sympathetic smile as she lightly rubbed my arm.

"That's a conversation you'll need to have with Odell."

"I know" I ripped open the box and pulled out the test. "You mind staying here while I pee?" she shook her head and then took a seat on the bed. I headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I read through the instructions and then sat down to pee on the stick. Tears burnt at the backs of my eyes as I finished off with my business. I placed the cap back on the test and then lowered it onto the counter. I stepped out of the bathroom and took a seat on the bed beside Kelsey. She wrapped her arm around me as I leant my head on her shoulder and allowed a tear to roll down my cheek. My hand moved to settle on my stomach.

"How long do you need to leave it for?"

"Like 3 minutes. My stomach's in knots. I'm so nervous" I quickly wiped the tear from my cheek.

"You-You said that you'd done one before?"

"3 years ago. I was a week late. I didn't think I was pregnant but you still panic. It was negative, I-I never actually told Wilmer that I had the scare. We never spoke about the future. I worried it'd ruin what we had at the time" I pulled away from Kelsey and reached for my phone.

"But you and Odell have spoke about the future, right? You've spoken about having children."

"Yeah but not now. This isn't a good time for a baby" I unlocked my phone and tapped onto my messages.

O❤️: You okay baby? I'm planning to get the first flight out.

Me: You don't need to fly out. I'm fine 🙂 I'll see you in Washington babe. Love you ❤️

"The test should be ready by now, Dem" I glanced up at Kelsey and nodded. "You want me to come with you?" I locked my phone and lowered it onto the bed.

"Phil's going to hate me if this is positive" out of the corner of my eye, I watched Kelsey roll her eyes.

"What Phil thinks really shouldn't matter. If it wasn't for Jill last night, you would have been shoved back on that stage."

"Jill?" I questioned, my eyebrows scrunching together.

"And Max. They both fought your corner last night. They weren't going to let you back on that stage, Demi" my lips ever so slightly twitched at the corners. "I wouldn't have let you back on that stage either but Phil didn't care. It was Max that told them that the rest of the show was cancelled."

"I didn't know that."

"Nobody told you, you weren't to know" I released a breath. "Lets go and check this test" I nodded, pushing myself up off the bed and I followed Kelsey into the bathroom. She slid her hand into mine and gave it a squeeze as I reached out for the test. "Everything will be okay" I closed my eyes, released a breath and then flipped the test over. Kelsey was completely silent so I forced my eyes open. A sob slipped from my lips at the two lines staring up at me. "You're definitely pregnant, Dem" Kelsey brought me into a hug as I sobbed.


I released a breath and relaxed back against the wall as my head continued to pound. I allowed my eyes to close as I dropped my head back against the wall and I began to take slow and deep breaths, trying to push back my nausea.

"You okay, Dem?" I shook my head as I pushed myself away from the wall, gently pushing myself passed Kelsey.

"No" I held my hand up to my mouth as I stumbled my way into the restroom, groaning as I vomited. I clutched the toilet seat as I heaved, jumping as someone began to move my hair off of my face.

"Let it all out, Baby" I was so surprised that I moved my head from the toilet and turned to Odell with raised eyebrows. "I know you told me not to come but I didn't listen" his lips twitched up into a smirk. "Why are you performing tonight?" I pushed myself away from the toilet and leant back against the wall. I brought my knees up to my chest and combed my fingers through my hair as tears forced their way forward. "Demi?" he moved to sit beside me, his hand moving to settle on my knee. I swallowed over the lump in my throat. "Is this Phil that's forcing you to perform? If it is I'll kill him. You should be resting, Demi" I shook my head, biting down on my lip as I tried to find my voice. "Demi, why are you crying?" I quickly wiped the fallen tear from my cheek. "Baby?" I choked on a sob at the innocent nickname. Odell's arms locked around me and I began to cry into his chest, forcing the words that I needed to tell him out of my mouth.

"I'm pregnant."


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