Chapter 7- A View From The Tree

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I didn't know where we were going. Alex wouldn't tell me. After only driving for five minutes, Alex stopped the car and we got out.

"Er. Where are we?" I asked. Instead of answering me, Alex grabbed my hand and I had to follow him... wherever we are going. Over this wall, around this gate... Wherever we are going, it best be worth it.

Before I knew it, Alex's hand were over my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I queried.

"It's a surprise, love. You'll see why in a moment!" He bluntly replied. Okay then. After a bit more walking (which made me wonder why the hell we even got in the car), we stopped. Alex took his hands off of my eyes, and I gasped. I never knew there was any part of Sheffield that was this beautiful. There was one tree, and a beautiful view, looking over all of the fields of Sheffield and Yorkshire combined.

"Surprise!" Alex whispered to me. I smiled and whispered back a 'thank you'. Alex walked over to the tree, and I followed him, like a toddler, lost without it's other half. Alex pulled out a blanket, from a small hole in the tree. It made me wonder how many women he had brought here.

"I come here quite often, usually to compose. Or to relax. I never bring anyone here, y'anno! Unless they're special" Alex spoke in a relaxing tone.

"I guess that makes me special then!" I said, stating the obvious. Alex nodded, and we lay down on the blanked, hands intertwined. After a short while of comfortable silence, I spoke up.

"What are we, Alex? Friends? Lovers? Enemies?" I asked, laughing at the last one. Alex propped himself up onto one shoulder.

"Well, what do you wanna be, love? I sure know my answer." Alex replied.

"Tell me what you wanna be." I requested. He leaned in a bit closer to me.

"Olivia. I know, we've only known each other for like, a day... But would you do me the honour... of erm.... being my... girlfriend?" Alex said, getting quieter and more shy towards the end of the sentence. I smiled.

"Alex. I would love to be your girlfriend, on one condition." I answered.

"What's that love?" Alex asked, with one eyebrow raised.

"That you be my boyfriend." I answered. Me and Alex laughed for a while, and talked about random things: the band, my job, etc. Another couple of minutes of comfortable silence occurred, and Alex was staring into my eyes. To be fair, I was staring at his as well. Then, without warning, Alex leant in toward me, and our lips collided. It just felt right. Our lips fit like two jigsaw pieces. And however cheesy this may sound, the world stopped for a few minutes, and it seemed as though there were no problems in the world. We broke off for breath and he placed his forehead against mine. I smiled at him, happy at the stage of our relationship. Alex Turner was my boyfriend.

Alex Turner is my boyfriend.

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