Chapter 36- Don't Talk To Me

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Alex was pacing the tour bus as we were on our way back. Obviously excited to get home. Whilst I was doing something productive! Making sure everything was packed.

"Alex! Come here and make sure you have everything!" I shouted, trying to stop his annoying pacing for the sake of everyone else. He mumbled a 'kay' and walked over to me. I looked over at Breana and she mouthed a 'thank you' making me laugh.

I kissed Alex, with him putting his hands on my waist and eventually pulled away so we could get ready to go, because the bus was stopping at ours first.

After what seemed like ages, the bus came to a halt. I gave everyone hugs, and Alex gave 'bro' hugs. Breana had my number so she stated she'd text me so we can meet up soon, which I agreed to.

Alex and I stumbled into the flat and put the suitcases in the bedroom. While we are Alex pushed me down to sit on the bed. He sat down next to me, so I sat on his legs, kissing him...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sexy Times!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up the next morning smiling. I rolled onto my front and looked at Sleeping Beauty next to me. I looked at the time: 5AM... Why the fuck am I up already?

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, I decided to get up and go for a run. I haven't been able to run for a while, because of the tour. I left a note for Alex on my pillow, just in case he woke up soon, and put on my running gear. I locked up the flat as I left, and put both my headphones in. Dani California by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers flooded my ears, and started jogging. I ran past the record store I used to work at, the place I got my first tattoo (my semi-colon (attached!)), and the cafe where I once chucked coffee at the waitress for being rude to me about my style and music taste... I'm not allowed in there anymore... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I ran back home, and hopped into the shower. I looked down, grabbing fat on my stomach, which wasn't actually there and sighed to myself. I need to lose weight... I could skip breakfast and lunch today, I'm not hungry anyways. I put some clothes on and went to see if Alex was awake. To my surprise he was sat up in bed, writing something in his songwriting notebook. I sat down next to him and looked into the notebook.

This house is a circus, berserk as fuck, we tend to see that as a perk though, look, what it's done to your friends, their memories are pretend, and the last thing that they want is for the feeling to end. There's a ..... Trouble?, Lovely lads, Aimlessly gazing.

"Sounds good babe! Are you gonna get up any time today?" I joked, kissing his cheek and standing up.

"Hmm, if I have to!" He mumbled and laughed, before swinging his legs out of the bed. I chucked him some joggers and went to the kitchen to get some tea. That'll fill me up! I made Alex some toast, and took my anxiety pills. He came into the kitchen and gratefully accepted his toast.

"Aren't you having any, love?" He asked me.

"I already ate" I lied. He hummed in response and finished his toast. I sipped and my tea, and admired my ring.

"This ring is gorgeous Alex, really." I smiled.

"Well, they say the ring is supposed to be as beautiful as the woman wearing it, but I don't think it makes the cut!" He smirked and gave me a kiss on the cheek, getting toast crumbs on me cheeks. I blushed at the compliment, and he brushed the crumbs of me, grinning.

"Shall we go for dinner tonight, love?" Alex asked. Shit... I could have a salad.. okay.

"Yeah, sure!" I answered, making him smile.


I got dressed into a black 50's dress and put on my skin colour tights with lines up the back. I had a corset on underneath my dress which made my waist look smaller and my boobs look bigger. I also slipped my black stilettos on. I did my winged eyeliner and red lipstick, and grabbed my bag. I felt a bit dizzy, but after a quick glass of cola, that passed. Alex was waiting in the living room for me, and when I walked in, Alex's jaw dropped.

"You'll catch flies babe" I said, walking over to him. I closed his mouth and gave him a quick peck on the lips, before grabbing his hand so we could leave. He snapped out of his trance and followed me out the door, locking it behind me. I looked at the 7 flights of stairs in front of me, and looked down at my shoe choice. This'll be fun! I decided on taking them off before making my way downstairs. I slipped them back on and walked out the front doors, holding Alex's hand. We decided to get a taxi so we both have a drink.

At the restaurant, Alex ordered steak and chips, and I had a chicken caesar salad. I told Alex about the time I told my (very gullible) friend, Scarlett that chicken caesar salad was named that way because Julius Caesar made the recipe... and she believed me! She still doesn't know it was a lie. Alex laughed loudly, making everyone in the restaurant look at us, then return to their meals, which made me and Alex laugh (quieter) again.


We got home after the meal, laughing because Alex almost fell up the stairs... somehow! Fake Tales of San Francisco started playing randomly, and I realise my phone was ringing, so I (obviously) answered it. I blushed at Alex, smiling at the fact one of his songs was my ringtone.

"Hello's your dad" My face immediately dropped. Alex walked over to me, furrowing his eyebrows. I mouthed 'i'm fine' and looked at my shoes.

I didn't talk to my dad. When I was 7 he left my mum and moved to the Isle of Wight, which took me 4 hours and a 1 hour boat ride to get there. He never called me, or took any interest in me, his daughter, for years... until now. I didn't even call him my dad anymore, he's just David to me now.

"W-What do you want?" I said, getting upset and angry. I tried to stop myself from crying. I cried enough over him in my childhood. No more tears for that twat.

"Just called to see how you are!" He replied.

No. He doesn't get to do that. Not after this long. He can't act as if nothing happened.

"No. Don't talk to me. Don't bother calling again. It's been 15 years. 15 Years David. I've moved on with my life. Like you did 15 years ago. You packed your bags and left your old life behind. You forgot about your family. You left us with no money and a shit house. Perhaps Fuck Off is too kind for you. Goodbye" I hung up and broke down. I know I said 'no more tears', but I couldn't help it. Alex ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me as I crashed and fell down. He eventually picked me up and took me inside.

After such a good night...


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