Chapter 9- Jealous Bitches

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After chatting, and hugging for a short while, I looked at the clock. It was 6:45 so I told Alex we had better leave. Well, I used a bit more colourful language, but you get the idea! He weaved his hand into mine, and we left my flat, with me locking the door behind me. We were both in a funny mood, so we laughed and skipped down the road, not caring who saw us. I was going to meet the rest of the boys tonight, which I was nervous about. I had an anxiety disorder, so I wasn't that good at meeting new people.

When we got to the pub they were playing at, I got myself a whiskey and stood at the front of the room, and kept peeking my head round, so I could see backstage. Alex kept walking past, and making funny faces at me to make me laugh. Once while I was drinking, and I almost choked, making him laugh. That's nice Alex, laughing at your girlfriend almost choking.

Tom walked up to me before the show started, the band's manager. I obviously recognised him so I said 'Hi'. We chatted a little bit and then he had to zoom off, to get the band ready for Showtime! (His words, he even did the 'ta-da' hand gesture!)

The room was quite full so Alex, Matt, Jamie and Nick walked on stage. Alex looked down to me for support, so I put my thumbs up and blew him a kiss. That was all he needed and the first chords to My Propeller played.

Each song sounded as good as the last, and the last couple of songs were starting to play. As he did last time, Alex jumped off of the stage, and sang Reckless Serenade, whilst holding my hand. It was so sweet, and people around were questioning who I was.

At the end of the show, I turned around to make my way to the bar, then backstage. There behind me was a group of girls, wannabe sluts to be exact.

"Oi bitch, that lead singer is mine. He is so fit, like literally, too fit for the likes o' you." The front blonde bimbo said to me. I laughed at the ridiculousness of her comment.

"Oh really? What's his name then, little slut?" I retaliated, dragging out the word 'slut'. She looked surprised at my comment and I pushed past her laughing, and proceeded to the bar, then backstage. I looked at her, as Tom let me through the barriers, and she opened her mouth (she was obviously used to that) and flicked her fake blonde hair behind her.

"That slag giving you problems?" Tom asked, his voice sounding concerned.

"Nah. I got it!" I replied, smiling to myself.

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