Chapter 45- Here Comes The Bride...

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It was time. I, Olivia Wood was about to get married to Alexander David Turner. 

My mum was walking me down the aisle, because my dad didn't care enough to even show up. He probably only found out about the wedding through the newspapers.

I grabbed my mums arm as I heard Canon In D begin to play.  The doors open and I saw the face I loved the most. I forgot about everyone else, and just saw Alex. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with this man, and I couldn't wait for it to start. I was trying my absolute hardest  not to cry, but memories of Alex and I came flooding back. The show, the first date, the Sweetie Saturdays... I love him so much.

Alex's POV

All the nerves that had gathered that morning dissipated when I saw her. It's like, 'Aw, here comes my best friend, and she looks happy to be marrying me. How did I get so lucky? How did I get so fucking lucky... Holy shit, she is so beautiful. 

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... Fuck. I'm crying. Oh well, maybe I can get it out now before I say my vows. Seeing her look so happy, is my lifetime goal, and today I'm taking the first step to forever.

I love her so much.

Olivia's POV

I finally got to Alex and smiled brightly at him. He had tears in his eyes, almost setting me off. He had is hair gelled back, with a little quiff at the front, and he looked so fucking sexy like that. 

I kissed my mum on the cheek, and she went to sit down, already crying happy tears.  

Alex looked at me with so much happiness, so much love. I'm sure I returned the look.  

"I love you" we both whispered simultaneously, smiling afterwards.

We looked forward as we started  to say the words that will start our new lives, that will start forever. 

It was vows time, and I knew with Alex's way of words, I'll be crying soon, so I went first. 

"Alex, since we met, I've had nothing but happiness, love, lust, and every good emotion under the sun. When you asked me to marry you, my heart and brain formed the answer before I even knew what I was doing. That is how much I love. I will move the earth for you, I will give up everything, if it meant I could be with you. I'll never leave you, I'll never forget about you, I'll never hate you.  I love you so much, Band Guy. " I vowed, smiling at the end. I got the ring off Breana and slid it onto his finger, it fitting perfectly.  He wiped away his tears and smiled at me. I looked deep into his eyes, like he did with me, as he started with his vows. 

"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust, let me be your Ford Cortina, and I will never rust. If you like your coffee hot, let me be your coffee pot, you call the shots, I just wanna be yours. Olivia, singing a Reckless Serenade to you was the best thing  I ever did, because it's lead to this. I'll never leave you, never forget about you, never ever hate you.  I love you so much, Band Stalker." I was obviously crying. Matt gave him the ring, and he slid it onto my finger, kissing it afterwards. 

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Alex looked at me and gave me the most loving, passionate, lustful kiss I have ever received. I forgot about the wedding guests, and just focused on Alex. I got snapped out of that trance by loud applause and snaps from the photographer. I hugged Alex and we walked over to go sign the forms.

That's it. I was married to Alex. 

I was now Olivia Maria Arabella Turner.  Woo!

We had a lot more snaps, a lot more alcohol, a lot more cake, a LOT more of Matt dancing like a twat, a lot of laughing, a lot of kissing, and a whole lotta love. 

Yeah, it was a good, amazing, fantabulous wedding.

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