Chapter 27- Flashbacks

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AN: So I decided I'm gonna name all my chapters now! This chapter is just a flashback into Olivia's past...

"Jesus, first day back at my shitty school. One year to go! Ohhh, Stocksbridge is awful" I mumbled to myself, whilst sluggishly rolling out of bed. I couldn't moan too much though; Double Music, English and Double Drama. I got up and got in the shower. I then did my makeup (winged eyeliner, mascara and deep purple lipstick), my 50's quiff updo, then threw my uniform on. I grabbed a bottle of water, my lunch, my bag and my headphones. I said 'Bye' to my mum and left for school.

As soon as I got in the gates, my head teacher asked me to go to Reception. URGHHHH! What have I done now?

I walked in and went to the desk to talk to the woman (idek her name). I took my headphones out and looked down to her.

"Y'alright? I got told to come 'ere. My name's Olivia Wood" I told her, avoiding eye-contact.

"Ah, yes. A new boy is starting here today, and he has all the same lesson as you. You will be showing him around today. Just sit over there, and I'll go get him" She told me. She then left and I was just sat there, in silence, waiting...

She then came back through, with a boy with a beatles haircut, and deep brown eyes following her. He was pretty cute! She walked off straight after, leaving me with a shy, awkward new boy, whom I didn't even know the name of. Okay then...

"Hi, I'm Olivia. I guess you got lessons wi'me all day" I said, breaking the silence.

"A'right, I'm Alex... Turner and I guess I have" he replied. His voice was surprisingly deep, and quite raspy. He had a Sheffield accent too, so he must have just wanted to move schools, not area.

"Okay... Who's your form tutor?" I asked, in an attempt to keep the conversation going.

"erm... KHA?" He replied, looking confused. I may have got him out of his shell a little?

"Oh, that's Miss Harris. She's ma form tutor too. Let's go. We're already late, but who really cares?" I added, trailing off at the end. Alex stood there for a while, then joined me in walking. Wtf? Was he watching my ass? We got to the room, and I just waltzed in, like usual. Alex stood at the door, going back into his cocoon of shyness.

"Why are you late?" Her squeaky voice pierced through my ears.

"Hold on," I replied, then turned to Turner "Come in, they won't bite" I smiled. Then turned back to Miss, "This is Alex, New Boy. I was in reception with him." I said, then walked over to my seat.

"Alex, over here. There's a seat next to Matt on my table." I half-shouted. He went and sat with Matt and I looked over to him. I then sent Matt a text quickly saying "Talk to him." He looked down, then at me (with a 'really?' face), then to Alex. I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but Alex smiled a little, so I was happy.

The day went by as usual, apart from Alex coming to find me at the end of lessons, break and lunch to see where we were next.

I never really talked to Alex that much after that year. I know he'd formed a band with Matt, Jamie and this kid Andy. I kinda forgot him tbh. Just saw him in lessons.

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