Chapter 32 - I'm going to miss you

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"I'm going on tour for three months"

Three months. As in 12 weeks. As in 84 days. As in 2016 hours...

I walked over to the window at the front of my flat, to see Colin had already skated off back to his fucking corporate world.

No. The Monkeys needed this. Stop being selfish, Olivia.

I'm gonna miss Alex so much. I sighed before speaking.

"That's okay love, you need this" I said, and started treating this as an acting role. Brave face on. No tears. But every actor needs their break...

Alex got up and walked towards me, taking my hand in his. I put on my best smile. However, it clearly wasn't good enough.

You could be the best actor in the world, but there will always be one who can see through the disguise.

"Stop acting Olivia. Show me how you feel." Alex spoke softly. And in that moment, I crumbled. Crashed into his arms.

"I don't even know why I'm being so melodramatic, god. It's only three months. I'm just going to miss you" I stated, softly chuckling at my stupidity.

"It's okay, I'm going to miss you too" he sniffled. I enjoyed his presence at this moment.

"You're going to owe me 12 Sweetie Saturdays mister!" I joked to lighten the mood. We both only laughed sadly, but still laughed. "When do you go?" I asked with a more serious tone.

"In about 2 weeks" he mumbled. We kissed for a while, and I felt Alex's tongue slide past my lips, and his hand make its way up my thigh... but got interrupted by Alex's phone ringing. Just when things were getting interesting. He groaned, and whispered "sorry" before answering his phone.

"What?" He greeted. Charming!

"Sorry Matt, what's up?" He said, looking at me. He widened his eyes and made a 'woops' face, which made me giggle.

"He said what?!" Alex half-shouted. So now we're talking about Colin!

"Okay, thanks Matt. Bye." Alex put his phone on the coffee table and rubbed his eyes.

"What now?" I asked.

"Colin said that Breana can come, but when he was talking to me, he didn't say anything about you coming" he said, closing his eyes. I sighed and closed my eyes like Alex did.

"I'm gonna call him" Alex snapped, standing up and leaving to the kitchen.

I walked over to the coffee table and grabbed and cigarette and lighter. I opened the window and blew my smoke in that direction. What, I'm stressed?!

I finished my cigarette and sprayed air freshener around the room. Even though I smoked, I didn't like my apartment to smell too much of smoke.

About 15 minutes later, Alex strolled back into the living room, looking more relaxed. He smiled at me, and pulled me down with him as he sat down, forcing me onto his lap.

"Guess who's aloud on tour with us?" Alex finally stated. I smiled and played a game with him.

"Nick? I think you'd be pretty screwed without him" I replied. He shot me a sarcastic smile, which you returned.

"But really? That's great. I got nothing to do for like 8 months anyway!" I added, happily.

"Turns out they'd be even more screwed, when the front man threatens to cancel if his girlfriend can't come on tour with us." He laughed. I joined his laughing and smiled at his mischievous ways.

"Oh Alexander David Turner, what am I going to do with you?" I kidded.

He then leaned towards my ear and whispered sexily:
"Whatever you please"

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