Chapter 55- F...uneral

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The miscarriage had such a huge effect on us all. Alex was more clingy. Matt and Breana stayed at our flat a lot, which wasn't a problem. We ordered unhealthy food more often. The funeral was tomorrow... But none of us were truly ready for it.

Alex and I were getting into bed and he cuddled me tight in bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly. He loosened his grip on me so I could turn around and look at him. Those giant chocolate orbs stared at me, glazed with water. He simply shook his head.

"Me neither baby" I murmered. I put my hand on his face and smiled at him. He smiled back and I gave him a kiss, before trying to sleep.
I couldn't sleep. Alex was away with the fairies, and I was just laying there staring at the ceiling. It wasn't fair. A baby that hadn't even experienced life had her life taken away so soon.
I got up to get some water, placing my feet into the slippers and padding though the flat. I got into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a bottle of water. Turning around, I saw a figure sat on the sofa. I walked up to it and noticed it was Breana. I sat down with her calmly.

"Struggling to sleep as well?" I asked quietly.
"Mm-Hm," she responded "it's just not fair" she added.
I pulled her into a hug and let her bury her face into my chest.
"I know sweetie" I muttered.


The day was finally over and after a lot of tears, comforting people and the phrase "so sorry for your loss" (aimed at Bre and Matt), we all went to bed exhausted. Matt and Breana were staying at ours again tonight and kept apologizing about it for no reason, as Alex and I were both happy to have them with us.

Alex hugged me in bed and we quietly talked for hours about random stuff; the funeral, emotions, family, our future.

But no one truly knows how the future is going to turn out. One day you could be having the best time and the next you could be dead. Life is hard. Life is harsh. But you have to be strong. Take life by the balls and cease every moment. Don't waste it being sad. Don't waste it questioning every part of your existence. Just live. Forget about yesterday, live today, and don't worry about tomorrow. Just live.


Matt and Breana went home today. She said she felt stronger. He said he'll support them both for as long as they need.

It turns out that me and Alex are the parents of the friend group.
We found ourselves sending them off with:
"Stay safe" and "message us to make sure you got home okay" and "quick get in the car, it's cold".
It was quite funny.

Alex closed the door and we walked into the kitchen.

"So what do we do with ourselves now?" He asked. I looked around in thought.

"Mario kart?" I challenged. He smirked.

"Oh it's on girly" he said, running into the living room and turning the Wii on.
3 rounds in and I was winning. Alex had a massive pout going on and competitive eyes.
To save his ego, I let him win this round. He jumped up and threw his hands up in triumph. I laughed and pulled his ankle, making him fall on me.

"I could get used to this" he said smirking and kissing me.

"Yeah well I can't, because I need oxygen" I laughed, pushing him off. He laughed too and pulled me up so I was standing.

"Shall we... You know?" He said smirking. I shook my head. He looked confused.

"My red friend is over" I smiled and sighed. He hugged me and walked into the kitchen. I sat down, rubbing my stomach because... Pain.

Alex walked back in, holding a pint of ice cream, two spoons, tea and paracetamol.

I love this man. 

The rest of the night was spent cuddling, eating and talking. I loved nights like this. They were so simple and easy, but truly were the best.

Eventually we went to bed, and fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. Like always.

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