Chapter 34- Nostalgia

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3 Months Later

The shows were going great! Each one was full of excited fans and even more excited performers on stage.

Although I was enjoying them a lot... I was kinda glad that tonight's show was the last. It was in Sheffield too, meaning we could all go home after this. I mean, there's only so much Matt Helders you can really take!!

Also, today was Alex and I's 1 year anniversary. We were going out for lunch to celebrate.


I woke up, to an unusual feeling of Alex not being next to me. I looked around the bunk and saw his pyjamas laid in his suitcase... odd...

I got - more like sat - up, and changed (rather awkwardly) in the small space I had called home for 3 months. I put my pyjamas in my suitcase and crawled out of the bunk. I walked quietly, eavesdropping on the conversations from the living/dining area.

"So, you all know what we're doing then?" One voice, that I recognized as Alex's, said.

"Don't worry, mate!" I heard Matt say.

"Yeah, worst case, she'll slap yo-" I heard Nick say, before a thud and an 'ow', so I assumed someone threw something at him. I decided that the conversation was probably over, so I walked in and smiled at everyone, grabbing a bottle of mexican coke (I'm fussy like that... it tastes better from a glass bottle) from the mini fridge. I stood by where Alex was and pondered what that conversation could be about.

Alex stood up after a while and pulled me towards our bunk. I'll admit, I was a bit worried... He pulled my into a passionate kiss, then kept me in a hugging position.

"Happy Anniversary, kitten!" He whispered in my ear, smiling.

(AN: it's at this point i started procrastinating bc of my cat...)

I smiled and kissed him again. It was cute when he called me kitten, because during sex, he called me Lioness. We stayed hugging for a while, then Alex eventually pulled away.

"You ready?" He asked me, still holding my hand.

"Le'me just put some make up on real quick" I said, walking to the mini bathroom.

"You don't need any, love!" he shouted. I beamed at this, so only put light, natural make up on. I walked out the bathroom and grabbed my bag in one hand, and put the other in Alex's. He grinned and we started walking towards the door.

"See you guys later, we're going out" Alex shouted to the group.

"Al'reet, be back for 4 for rehearsals, yeah?" Matt shouted back. Alex made a grunty-approval sound that meant 'yes', and we were off.


Lunch was romantic. Lots of staring, smiling and holding hands. But it was 3:00pm, so we made our way back to the Hillsborough Stadium, where they were playing tonight. It was also where Sheffield Wednesday played, which was the football team Alex, Matt, Jamie, Nick and I supported. Personally, I prefer Rugby but...

Alex and I took a minor detour to have a quick look at our old school, Stocksbridge. It had changed so much! I felt so blinded by nostalgia, I didn't really realise Alex was talking until he squeezed my hand slightly.

"Sorry, just... blinded by all the nostalgia and memories" I murmured, and Alex furrowed his eyebrows. I knew he was making a mental note when he does that.

"Shall we walk back?" He asked. I hummed in response, and we made our way back to the Stadium.

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