Chapter 5

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"H-hi what are you doing here?" I asked my voice a little shaky.

He handed me a book. It was the book I'd picked up and was planning on getting before Timothee distracted me.

"You got this for me?"

"Um yeah. You looked like you wanted to read it" he smiled running his fingers through his hair.

"Thank you" I didn't know what else to say. Usually I teased and joked around with him but this didn't seem like the time.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked knowing he'd probably have plans.

"Yeah. Sure"

I looked at him shocked and he laughed at my reaction.

I opened the door fully so he could get past me. My apartment wasn't to big but it was just the perfect size for me. The kitchen and living area were joined into one. I did have a pretty big couch though. I loved laying on it and either watching tv, reading or just looking out my window.

I went over to sit on the couch and he followed sitting close by. He looked around and I could tell he was thinking something I just couldn't tell what.

"What are you watching?"

"Pretty little liars. I'm guessing you've never seen it"

"Actually I've seen some of it. My sister use to watch it when we lived at home"

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah Pauline. She's older than me. I miss her a lot. Our busy schedules mean we don't get to see each other that much but we're still just as close" he smiled I could see her really loved and admired his sister.

"So what about you? Any siblings?"

"Two. Both younger. My brother Tyler he's fourteen and my sister Katie she's eleven"

"I always wanted to be an older sibling. Do you miss them?" he asked in a way that you could tell he really cared and wanted to know.

"Yeah I do. I talk to my sister most days but it's definitely strange being away from them" I looked down twirling the ring on my finger.

It was starting to get dark. The sun was setting making the sky the most beautiful orange. I was also starting to get hungry, really hungry. I realised I hadn't really eaten much today. My stomach made what seemed to be the loudest sound ever.

"You hungry?" He laughed.

"Starving actually"

"If you don't have any plans we could go get some food? I mean only if you want" Timothee asked with a smile.

"Um yeah. Let me just grab my bag"

I put on some trainers and grabbed my bag. Timothee waited by the door reading the book I'd left on the kitchen counter.

"Ok I'm ready" I looked over at him and the book he was holding. He was trying to hide a smile.

"What made you choose to read this book?" He asked while his scanned my face.

"I just picked it up and liked the sound of it" I shrugged. My response was a little cold and I blame that on being hungry. We left and headed to wherever we where going.

"So who was that girl you where with today?" Timothee asked as we walked side by side down a busy street. His hood was up with curls springing out.

"Oh that's Maddy. She lives in the same building as me"

Before I could continue someone pointed at us. And then it escalated into about ten people pointing at us. Thankfully we where at the place. It was a tiny little restaurant hidden away from the busy street.

"Um am I ok dressed like this?" realising I was still in my sweatpants and oversized tee.

"You're perfect"

My heart literally melted at those words. He held the door open for me and spoke to someone who then led us to a table in the corner away from everyone.

"Is this ok?" Timothee asked me which seemed like a stupid question.

"No actually I'd like a different table" he looked at me a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm joking. This is perfect"

I quickly sat down before he could come over and pull my chair out for me. Noticing, he grinned and sat opposite me. We looked at the menu.

"So what you getting?" Timothee looked up from the menu.

"Pasta of course. What about you?"

"Probably pizza. It's really good from here"

The waiter came to take our orders and I asked for a lime and soda which seemed to make both Timothee and the waiter laugh.

"What part of England are you from?" Timothee asked while taking a sip of water.

"North west" as soon as I said that I could tell he had no clue. "So it's a town close to Liverpool" the thing about living in a small town is no one has ever heard of it.

"Oh right the Beatles" his eyes scanning mine.

"Yeah. It's a small town by the sea. It sounds nicer than it is. Trust me when I say it's nothing special" I laughed. His eyes where so intensely locked on mine it made me start twisting the ring on my finger.

"So where are you from?"

"Right here in New York. Well Manhattan" I could tell he loved it here.

"Are you liking it here?" he asked.

"Um yeah I guess. I don't know it's been better since I met Maddy...and you" I trailed off not looking at him but I could see his eyes light up.

"Really. So you don't think I'm a stalker anymore?" He chuckled.

"No. But you have to admit it was crazy how we kept running into each other"

Our food came and we talked and talked about everything and nothing. I got to know more about him. What made him want to start acting and what he liked doing when he wasn't working. And he was eager to want to know more about me. The thing is, I'm quite a reserved person and I feel Timothee can see that. We finished our meal and left the restaurant. I thanked the waiter and handed him a tip since Timothee refused my offer to go halves. He walked with me back to my apartment. Once we go to my door I thanked him for the food and went to give him a hug. He wrapped his hands around me and I could feel my heart racing.

"So I'll see you around?" I wave of sadness came over me. I didn't want him to leave.

"Maybe we should get each others number. You know since I'm no longer considered a psycho murderer" he looked nervous like he was unsure of my reaction.

"Yeah sure" I actually couldn't believe he liked we enough to want my number. Out of all the people he's met how was I any interest to him.

We said goodbye to each other and once I was in my apartment I realised this was probably the first time since being here that I felt happy.

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