Chapter 42

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Early morning sun broke through the trees and forced its way through the windows in our room, making shadows dance on the walls. This was one of the very few times I actually felt happy waking up.

I felt Timothee's skin on mine as he turned over. His face was against the pillow but his eyes were open and he had a sleepy smile across his face.

"I'm not going to say morning because I know you don't like it" he said half into the pillow but still looking at me.

"How did you know that?" It's true I don't but I'd never told him that or anyone.

"I can just tell"

"But how though?"

"Your face pretty much gives it away" he laughed.

"Anyway want some coffee?" he said getting up and walking over to the door.

"Please" I replied.

He left the room and I went over to the window and opened the green wooden shutters. I don't think it'd sunk in yet that I was really here.

Walking down to the kitchen, I could see someone placing two cups on the side.

"Hello" I said entering the kitchen.

"Ciao" the oldish woman said with a warm friendly smile.

"I'm Lucie"

"Very nice to meet you Lucie I'm Marta" she said perfectly clearly but still with an Italian accent.

"I'm sorry I don't know much Italian other than the hellos and goodbyes" I said.

"Don't be sorry" she said placing her hands on mine and then going back to making something. She gave off this feeling as though I'd known her for years.

"Timothee's outside" she said.

"Ciao" I said and she smiled back at me.

Timothee was sat at a table placed under a tree, the exact same one in the movie.

"So you met Marta" He put his head back to look at me.

"She's familiar in a way that I can't understand" I said.

"I thought the same, like you've known her forever"


"The owners hired Marta as their housekeeper, she lives in Crema" Timothee said.

"Is that the place we went through in the way here?" I asked.

"Yeah we'll have to go. You'll love the streets and buildings" he smiled.

Marta came out with coffee and something else on a plate.

"Grazie" Timothee said, sounding as though he was Italian.

"Grazie Marta" mine sounding as though I'd quickly read it off a 'most used Italian words' website.

"Don't" I said to Timothee.

"What I didn't say anything" he looked away but I could see the corners of his mouth rising.

We drank the coffee which was the best coffee I'd ever tasted and had this little biscuit thing that Marta had made. I wasn't a big breakfast eater, which Timothee knew, so something small was enough for me.

After an hour of sitting outside and drinking cups of coffee, Timothee wanted us to go to Crema.

I put on a pale blue floaty dress with little yellow flowers scattered around the fabric and of course dressing it down with my blue converse.

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