Chapter 18

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"Hi, I'm here to meet with um... actually I'm not sure" I was too nervous to even get my words out.

"What's your name?" The woman at the front desk asked with a warm smile on her face which calmed me slightly.


"Oh you're the girl who won the competition right?"

"Yeah uh I am"

"They're really excited to meet you. If you just take a seat they shouldn't be long" She pointed a couch by the window.

"Thank you"

I sat there, thoughts racing through my mind. They're really excited to meet me. What if I'm not what they thought or wanted. Before I could think any more two men came over to me.

"Lucie, we're so happy to finally meet you" The taller guy put out his hand and I shook it.

"It's so good to meet you too"

"If you'd like to come this way into our studio where you'll meet with the first management" The shorter, younger guy said.

I followed both of them down a hallway and soon they went into one of the doors. I'd never been in a studio before but I had an idea of what it'd look like and I wasn't far off.

Keyboards were scattered about the room along with a lot of switches and other electronic things I had never seen before. I glass booth with a mic was in the corner.

Four other people were sat around a table in the middle of the room. We introduced ourselves to each other and then got straight into it.

"So Lucie, we know that there are a few other managements interested in you" I nodded.

"And we'd like to tell you about why you should choose Republic records"

I payed real attention to what they had to say about everything and I wasn't sure how I'd know which was the right one.

"The most important thing to us is giving you complete control over the music you make. Now I'm not sure if you just a songwriter or a singer also?" She asked.

"Oh I can't sing. So just a songwriter I guess" I said hoping they wouldn't be disappointed.

"That's great. We listened to your competition song and knew we'd found a talented individual" Mia introduced herself as the manager when I first walked in. I liked her.

"Really?" I said a little shocked.

"Of course. We already plan to record and release your song as soon as possible"

I actually had no words. How was this real. How was this happening.

After Republic Records had left I met with two other record labels but I knew the first one was the one I was going with. They were the only ones to say that having control over what I make was important to them. It was easy really.

They gave me some contracts to sign and I was officially signed with them. They all gave me a hug and I was still in a state of shock.

"You're going to love it here I promise" Mia smiled.

"I know I will"

"Ok so if you come in Monday morning at 9am and we'll get you properly introduced to the team you'll be working with"

I said goodbye to everyone and headed out the door. The warm summer air hit me like when you step of a plain. I walked over to a bench near some trees. I sat there listening to the surroundings and thought about how everything I'd ever dreamt of, well almost, was happening.

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