Chapter 31

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The next two days Timothee was on set. I had to do some work and also didn't want to impose on anyone. His days were pretty long so I hadn't really seen him much but he'd text me whenever he could.

I was working on a new song that Summer had sent me. They had a chorus but that's it. I'd been thinking, writing and rewriting until I felt the song was ok to submit back to the team.

Laying on the bed and closing my eyes, I thought about Timothee and what he was doing right now. My phone lit up and it was Maddy asking how I was. I told her I'd give a full run down of everything when I got back.

Deciding it was time to eat and knowing there wasn't anything in the apartment, I grabbed my bag and headed to go get some food. I hadn't actually seen that much of San Francisco yet and I didn't know where anything was but I was just going to walk until I found somewhere.

I put my earphones in and walked along the city street. There was a nearby bench on some grass covered by trees. I sat there for a few minutes.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Hey" a girl smiled at me.

"Um...hey" I said confused.

"I saw you siting here alone and thought you looked lonely" She smiled before sitting next to me.

Her hair was auburn and fell into waves just below her shoulders. She wore a black cropped tee with something written on it that I couldn't make out.

"Oh no I'm fine but thank you" I replied.

"I'm going to a party later, want to come along?" She asked so casually.

Why was she asking me this. Was this normal here because back at home this would never happen.

" that's ok"

"Come on it'll be fun and it looks to me like you have nothing to do anyway" She smiled.

Maybe I should just fuck it and go. I spend too much time thinking instead of living. I'd always wished I was someone who had more exciting opportunities in there life and now that one was finally happening I was saying no.

"Ok yeah I'll come"

"Yay" She jumped up looking a little too excited.

"What time does it start?" I asked.

"Now" She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bench.

"It's only down this street" still pulling me.

We got to an apartment and she knocked on the door three times. I could hear music faintly from the other side of the door. While I was looking down the hallway a guy appeared and I could see about ten others inside. He smiled at the girl then looked at me, his eyes locked on mine and gave off a sense as though he already knew me.

"Hope you don't mind. Thought I'd bring a friend" The auburn haired girl said and grabbed my hand pulling me in before I had time to think. Why she called me a friend I don't know.

House or the typical party music was flooding the air making it seem even more  claustrophobic. I practically fell into the middle of the room and everyone looked at me then at each other.

"Here" I was passed a drink by some random guy who had dirty blonde hair that fell just above his eyes.

"Thanks" I said taking the cup and feeling slightly confused.

"Hey. Do you know who that girl is?" I pointed towards the girl who brought me here.

"No...never seen her before" He said taking a sip of his drink.

I gulped my drink down and had another one, hoping it'd help my anxious self from not speaking to anyone. What was I even doing here and who were all these people.

"Hey there" a black haired girl came up to me.

"Hey" I said with alcohol still in my mouth.

"I'm Lexi"

"I'm Lucie, nice to meet you"

"I love you accent"

"Oh thank you" I always forget my accent sticks out like a sore thumb.

"I've always wanted to go to England" She stared off into space for a second then came back.

"Let's do shots" Lexi said, dragging me up to a table filled with every type of spirit.

While I was looking at them all she'd already poured one ready.

"Bottoms up" Hitting her glass with mine.

The liquid burnt my throat, making me squint my eyes and scrunch my nose.

"Another" She said and another became six more.

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