Chapter 11

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"Hey I'll have to go back to my place to get changed" I shouted from the bathroom, not even attempting to do anything with my hair.

"Yeah ok I'll walk with you" shouting back.

We headed out towards my apartment but I realised I didn't know where I was. Timothee mentioned that he didn't live far from me but I was still unfamiliar with the surroundings.

"It's just up here then you take a left then a right" like he could read my mind.

Both our hoods were up as we walked the streets. I didn't want anyone seeing the state my hair or face was in.

When we got into my apartment I told Timothee he could come in while I got ready.

I quickly made my bed and flung the clothes on the floor in my wardrobe. I grabbed a pair of Jeans, the ones that hung loosely around my legs, and a baby blue oversized sweatshirt. I combed through my hair but that didn't really help, so I put half of it into a bun, curls springing out. Quickly brushing my teeth and applying mascara at the same time, I decided this was the best I was going to look.

When I came out my room I saw Timothee reading one of my books from the huge stack I'd made by the window. Honestly I couldn't afford a big enough bookcase.

Timothee turned around to look at me, a perfect smile plastered across his face. He put down the book walked over to me.

"You look beautiful" he said while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"No I don't" laughing, instantly brushing off the compliment.

He studied my face and a hint of sadness showed across his.

"What?" I said concern in my voice.

"Nothing let's go"

It was colder today but not enough that I needed a jacket.

"So where we going?"

"I thought we could go and get some food first" he replied.

We ate at a little cafe and sat in the corner by the window. Talking and laughing about random stuff, I noticed people on a table near to us staring at me. Timothee noticed my discomfort and asked if I was ready to go.

Timothee didn't tell me where we were going which made me slightly nervous. After walking for about twenty minutes, we ended up outside a house or apartment I couldn't tell.

"Where are we?" I looked at him confused.

"My moms house"

My eyes went into a look of horror which Timothee seemed to find funny.

"I thought she should meet you" he smiled.

"No...Timothee I can't"

"Why?" he was intrigued to what my answer would be.

"Because what if she doesn't like me. I'm not good at meeting knew people" panic evident in my voice.

"She's going to love you. I promise"

I calmed down a bit after he said this, maybe I was being stupid.

He reached for my hand and started walking up the steps. The touch of his skin on mine sent butterflies swirling in my stomach, which was ridiculous, he was only holding my hand.

He opened the dark brown wooden door with his key.

"Hey mom" he shouted.

He guided me to the kitchen still holding my hand. A short woman with short brown hair stood at the sink washing a plate. As soon as she saw me she quickly dried her hands.

"You must be Lucie" she went in to hug me and I wasn't expecting it, but accepted it warmly. I liked her already.

"I'm Nicole, Timothee's mom" she smiled releasing from our embrace.

"It's so nice to meet you" I beamed.

"Have you eaten?" She asked kindness in her eyes like Timothee.

"Yeah we just ate. I thought I'd show Lucie around if that's cool" he asked.

"Of course. I'll be in here if you need anything" the smile never leaving her face.

Timothee lead me up the stairs and into the second door. When I entered my eyes gravitated towards a wall full of posters.

"This was my room growing up and my mom wanted to leave it the way it was" he smiled and I could see he was thinking back to when this was his room.

I went over to a shelf stacked with cd's and records, skimming through them with my hand. A record player was sat on a table in the corner with a record still in it. I placed the needle and music began playing. It was pink and white by frank ocean.

I looked over at Timothee who seemed slightly more anxious than usual. One thing I'd observed about Timothee his he was an extremely good listener but when it came to being asked something he was awkward and couldn't maintain eye contact. We both had this in common which is why I never usually noticed it too much but it was one of the things I loved about him. It was like he had so much to say but didn't know how to and I knew how that felt.

I fell back on his bed staring up at the posters that flowed to his ceiling. My eyes looked over at Timothee who was over by the window, lost in thought. His hair was tousled in the most perfect way and I couldn't help myself from wondering how I've ended up here with him. How he could want to spend time with me. Someone so boring and ordinary.

"Come on I'll show you the rest of the house" Timothee was at the door now.

I loved this house so much, it was decorated so beautifully.

"You've got good taste. I love how you've decorated every room" I smiled at Nicole.

The three of us sat and had a drink while I got to know Nicole and she got to know me. When we left she gave me a hug and told me I could come round anytime I wanted.

"I really love your mum?"

"Mum" he mocked my accent and I pushed him playfully.

"She's the best" he smiled and I could tell how much he loved her.

It was dark when we left the house so Timothee walked me back to my apartment.

"Thank you for taking me to meet your mum and to see where you grew up"

He just smiled at me and said he had fun today. I could tell something was on his mind but decided to leave it.

When I checked my phone I had so many messages and missed calls off my mum, sister and best friend. I hadn't told anyone about Timothee yet but I had told them about Maddy. My best friend wanted to know if I'd met any cute guys yet and I rolled my eyes laughing. My sister and mum both asking how I was. I gave a general summary of my days, without including Timothee or my emotional breakdown and after that I fell asleep.

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