🌊Pacific Storm⚡️

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La Vaguette (All Artists ver. & HoYomix)

Chapter inspired by: The Real~Ateez & Ateez Treasure album series

Later that morning

The spaceship had teleported out of Liyue and over the roaring waves of the pacific ocean.

Beneath the sky, the ocean below surged.

A hurricane began to form, and waterspouts circled the ship.

Hydra heads jutted out. A navy ship and an armed cruise ship were under attack. Some creature below the sea was behind it all.

Waves of the ocean splashed onto the ships flung several crew into the air as two creatures revealed themselves. Red-eyed and menacing, it was the Ocean hydra and the Overlord of Vortex.

"Osial and Beisht!" Yelled Xiao.

"This is bad, very bad." Sighed Zhongli as he and Xiao readied their spears.

Y/N drew out Dawnbreaker and Taeyong shifted to a dragon slowly.

"That Ateez?!" Asked Taeyong as he noticed the pirates were trying their best to defend their ship.

"We have to help them!" Y/n yelled as she summoned the crystal lightning.

"Y/N and I will go distract Beisht, Xiao can kite Osial, and Zhongli when I give you the signal...You know what to do with that meteor." Nodded Taeyong.

Zhongli nodded.

Meanwhile on the pirate ships

Hongjoong gave a frustrated yell as he watched Mingi land onto the deck.

"I'm fine!" Yelled Mingi.

"That was close." Huffed Hongjoong.

It has been almost six hours, and none of the Ateez crew or The Crux Crew had proper rest or food.

"Dam this stupid creature they seem to be taunting us!" Yelled Beidou impatiently.

"It's like they don't want us to leave!" Exclaimed Honjoong as he swung his sword at a steel hydra head.

"Exactly, they only try to kill us if we try to go past the waterspouts or whirlpools!" Sighed Beidou.

"Let's take a break! Lower the sails, and get some food and rest!" Yelled Hongjoong.

"We got help!" Yelled Xu Liu Shi from the crow's nest suddenly.

"Hey, Y/N and the others are here!" Called Kazuha from below decks.

"Thank Rex Lapis!" Yelled Beidou, and then she spotted Zhongli among them, "Literally, Thank Rex Lapis!" She exclaimed.

Zhongli and Xiao plunged towards the creatures that were outside the waterspouts.

"Readying the seals!" Nodded Zhongli as the geo pillars fell into the ocean.

Xiao nodded and dashed in the air, easily dodging Beisht's attacks.

"Osial and Beisht you will stand down!" Ordered Zhongli as geo pillars and spears surrounded them.

"NO!" Snarled Osial.

"MORAX, YOU WILL NEVER SEAL US AGAIN!" Growled Beisht as the hydras snapped their jaws toward them.

Xiao summoned a gust of wind and dashed away with Y/N in tow. They shifted to their Cybertronian forms.

"You will stand down!" Ordered Zhongli, his eyes now glowing gold.

"NEVER!" Growled Osial.

Suddenly the hydra heads began to circle and formed one large hydro head.

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