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Y/N's pov

The next day

After a short meeting with the 7 archons and Avengers, we returned to our spaceship.

"So Avengers not gonna do anything about the Decepticon invasion in Hong Kong and Shanghai?" Asked Jackson, who was waiting for us.

"Nope, because they're busy dealing with other important things. Therefore we will take this matter upon our own hands." I replied.

"Time to save the city this time?!" Asks Taeyong.

"Let's do this!" Nodded Jackson as he pumped a fist in the air.

"Wait, what about this problem?" Asked Luhan, pointing to the screen displaying another Decepticon spaceship in Shanghai.

"Let's split into two groups," I announced.

"I'll go with Luhan to Shanghai." Decided Tomo.

"I'll go to Shanghai too." Nodded Childe.

"I'll go to Hong Kong." Declares Kokomi (Candy).

"I'll come with you guys to Hong Kong too." Replied Xiao.

"Where should we go?" Asked Taeyong, glancing at me.

"We're going to go to both places, Hong Kong and then Shanghai shortly after. It looks like we have to make a double run." I replied.

"Alright everyone! Suit Up!" Commanded Taeyong.

Location: Hong Kong

I glanced at the surrounding, there was already a riot going on down the street.

"Watch out for both the police and protestors. We don't want any trouble with anyone!" Jackson yells.

Taeyong, Xiao, Candy and I all nodded quickly before we all went in separate directions.

Among the tear gas, Taeyong, and I managed to haul the children out, while Jackson and Kazuha hauled the other victims.

I glanced at the little girl, she was around 10. She looked terrified and tears streaked across her face.

"Mommy!" The little girl cried

"Look, everything is going to be alright, we're gonna get you out of here kid," I replied gently as I hugged her.

"We'll find your mommy." Replied Taeyong, as he headed back to the street.

After returning the kid to her mom we continued our way.

"This wasn't the Hong Kong I visited 10 years ago." I whispered.

"I know, I hope they all sort this out soon." Replied Taeyong.

A missle flew past us.

"Missle! EVERYONE RUN OR LAY LOW!" Yelled Jackson.

Taeyong and I ducked just in time, as the explosion almost knocked us off our feet.

"Did that missle come from that spaceship?!" Asked Jackson, shocked as he pointed at the strange looking UFO in the sky.

"Decepticon spaceship?!" I asked, looking up too.

The tear gas was everywhere as well, it was really hard to see from the fog.

We continued to haul people out from harm, working in silence and against the tear gas.

"When do we start teleporting to Shanghai?" Asked Taeyong, breaking the silence.

My phone suddenly started vibrating from the leather jacket's pockets.

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