🪞Mirror & Ice❄️

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Dottore art~ Natsumi

The Whisper of the Forest~Suran The Glory Ost

Inside the spaceship

"Alright, so here's what we know, Dottore saved us from the alien accident, I had amnesia from that accident, and Taeyong wasn't the one who borrowed the Energon gnosis Knockout had created." I began as we sat on the couches near a futuristic fire place.

"Correct." Replied Xiao, he then narrowed his eyes at both Dottores.

"Knockout and I created the gnosis, we then used its power along with the Primordial sea water found in the syringes and earing I wear for revival experiment. It was a successful experiment in the end." Explained Dottore.

"Incredible." Whispered Xiao.

"You were a detective before you became a superhero." Replied Felix, glancing at me.

"I remember that strangely enough, that was a year or two ago." I replied, glancing at my friend.

"Not just that! You dated Xiao and him eons ago!" Whisper yelled Childe.

And then, Aj stood up, and smacked the living daylights out of Childe. She looked like she was gonna beat the absolute shit out of Childe. She kicked Childe in the shin and almost sent him flying out the door.

"Childe, that was supposed to be their secret! You idiot!" Yelled Aj as she slapped and kicked him repeatedly.

"Wait what-?!" I quickly looked at Xiao and Dottore for an answer.

"It's true!" Laughed Scaramouche, his hat moved a little as he laughed.

"What the heck, Excuse me for a second." Hissed Taeyong as he teleported himself and Dottore (Zeta) outside.

We watched as Taeyong pinned Dottore across the snow outside. Its funny seeing the shorter one pin the taller one.

"This is why I told Childe that my relationship with her is complicated!" Admits Xiao, as his face became beet red.

Xiao then teleports outside, contemplating if he should help Taeyong or Dottore and clones, or join the fight.

Meanwhile outside

"I trusted you to take care of her!" Snarled Taeyong, about to smite them both.

"Does it really matter?!" Asked Dottore, smirking beneath the mask.

Dottore then easily threw Taeyong off him.  The two then both stood up, dusting their gloves from the snow.

"You get worked up so easily as soon as anyone mentions her, you must love her so much that you kept a lot from her, Dragon Archon." Smirked Dottore.

"You're the same, and I want to kill you so bad for doing unspeakable things to her." hissed Taeyong.

"You can't kill me, and I can't kill you. Because she'll never forgive us." Dottore whispered to Taeyong.

Taeyong hissed in annoyance and angrily threw a snowball at him.

It hit his mask with a soft Thump!

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