Holoforms and Ruin Golems

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Scar to Scar ~&Team

Umbrella Academy Alt Au Cameo


"I hate this form so much!" Yelled Dropkick, still glancing at his own holoform's reflection through the mirror.

"Quit whining Dropkick! We need to get going!" Snapped the red haired woman.

"I don't know what Dottore did, but I can't believe we're back with new holoforms!" Exclaimed Dropkick.

"Be Quiet. We need to blend in like before, and make sure our cover doesn't get blown again like last time with the officials, especially his other clones." Hissed Shatter.

The two then exited the gas station.

They then saw two passerbys.

Shatter marched towards the man.

A holographic image of Bumblebee, Mirage and Arcee were displayed from her watch.

"Hello there, have you perhaps seen where abouts of these alien entities?" She asked.

Ben stared at the tall, red haired woman and the man dressed in dark blue leather jacket with a strange looking insignia on both of their jackets.

"No. I have no idea what you are talking about." He replied.

Shatter narrowed her optics.

Dropkick gave an annoyed sigh, "We should just blow this place up." He whispered.

Inside the gas station was Five, reading a newspaper. He sensed something was up the moment these two figures showed up.

Shatter and Dropkick transformed to their original selves.

Something sharp nimbly hit their back.

"Squid boy." Laughed Dropkick.

Shatter fired once at the ground next to the man to get all their attention.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Snarled a voice.

Mercedez sprang down and landed neatly.

"Ah, a fellow mercenary." Smirked Shatter.

The mercenary took out her dual dark blades.

"Ah, you two must be Shatter and Dropkick. Heard you two were responsible for the Chicago Alien incident." Growled a sarcastic, male voice behind them.

Wrio, the Cyberwolf walked in while spinning the stasis cuffs in his servos.

"So much for blending in." Snickered Dropkick.

"Shut up and follow my lead." Ordered Shatter.

They then blindly shot at the Autobot and Allogene.

Instantly transforming, they cruised along the road, towards a known teleport wavepoint.

"I'll go after them." Snarled Mercedez.

Wrio sighed and shifted back.

"Terribly sorry about that, is everyone all right?" He asked as he entered the half-destroyed gas station.

A group of people peeked from the destroyed shelves and nodded.

"Hey, I've seen you around the CIA. Aren't you part of the FBI?!" Began Five.

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