Chapter 1

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"Don't be late tonight Jennie, we have our dinner with the Manoban's," Dad told me while I was getting ready for the New year's party at Jisoo's.

"Dad! I talked with Chaerin yesterday, she doesn't mind if Lisa and I don't join the family dinner." I said while combing my hair. I was running late and Lisa could be here at any moment. Just when dad was about to say something to me the doorbell rang which signaled the coming of Lisa, I jumped with joy since I knew Dad wouldn't shout at me anymore for not joining the dinner.

I run and opened the door. To my surprise, Lisa was looking smoking hot today, not that she doesn't look hot on other day's but today she looked hotter. Lisa gorgeous aqua blue eyes were one of the reasons why girls loved her. Also, I can't forget to mention her physique. She had the hottest body in this entire planet excluding Zac Efron's because who am I kidding even if Lisa is my best friend no one can dare to compare themselves with Zac Efron.

"Hey, Nini. You ready to go?" She asked with a cheerful voice and a big smile on her face.

"Just give me a few minutes okay?"

"You can have all the time in the world." Lisa said entering my house and went straight to sit on the sofa where dad was already watching his football game.

"Hey, Jiyong. How are you doing?" Lisa asked while taking a seat beside her.

"I'm good kid. Just trying to make this girl understand that she can't miss our family dinner," he said pointing towards me.

Lisa chuckled listening to dad's words, "You don't have to worry. I'll bring her there."

"Are you kidding me, Lisa? It's New Years. I want to party with my friends plus Chaerin already permitted me to go so I don't care." I said with a very loud voice. I seriously did not want to celebrate my new years without my friends and skipping one family dinner wouldn't be such a big issue.

"You talked to mom?"

"Yes, I did! She said we can skip one family dinner, it's not such a big deal."

"No, we cannot." Lisa said in a stern voice.

"Yes, you cannot." Dad joined her too.

What was going on? Are both of them teaming up against me?

"I got my permission from your mom Lisa so I don't care."

"But how can you do that Nini? We never miss our family dinners. Remember the time when I had my night out with the gangs and you forced me to cancel it because of our family dinner. So, this time I won't let you skip it."

Are you serious? Why is Lisa being such a kid? Okay, I do remember that I had forced her to cancel her night out for the family dinner, but I was a kid back then. But now things have changed plus its New Year's. Why would I want to stay at home in such an amazing day of the year?

"Can you two please stop fighting?" Mom said while entering the house with two bags full of vegetables. This is what she did before every family dinner. She got all the things and cooked dinner together with Chaerin. Chaerin is even better at cooking than my mom. I have known her since second grade and she is the sweetest woman alive on this planet. She is like my second mom and I love her a lot. Lisa almost looks like her mom, she has hardly taken anything from her dad. Chaerin too has aqua blue eyes and she looks beautiful.

"They weren't fighting Dara. Your daughter is being annoying this time." Dad replied while helping mom with her bags.

"What's the matter with you two?" Mom asked.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now