Chapter 31

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Three years later

The sun seeped in through the windows directly hitting my eye, I instantly opened them and realised that I wasn't in my room. Shit! Where the hell am I? I turned my head to see a really hot guy sleeping next to me. He was a fair skinned guy with an oval shaped face and sharp features. I admired his serene face for a little while longer before rolling out of the bed and searching for my clothes. I got dressed and quietly opened the main door to avoid waking him up. "You leaving already?" I heard him ask in a husky voice. I turned to look at him getting out of the bed and walking towards me. He was only wearing a pair of boxers and bloody hell, he looked no less than a model. I internally complimented myself since I made a good decision last night by sleeping with this handsome hunk.

"Yes I'm leaving. I have to get ready for my shoot," I replied casually. Even though this guy was freaking hot and I was somewhat attracted to him but it still doesn't change the fact that I'm not interested in dating him. Honestly I don't even remember his name, all I know is that I met him at my celebration party last night where he flirted with me a lot. By the end of the party when I decided to leave with Kai, this guy suddenly asked me out and I happily obliged. We went to a cheap bar and had lots of drinks and Voila! I opened my eyes to his beautiful face the next morning.

"I'll pick you up after your shoot then?" he asked with a lot of hope in his eyes and I honestly felt bad that I will have to break his fantasy bubble now.

"Honestly this was just a one night stand to me. I have no intention in dating you," I said to clear the air. He looked disappointed with my reply but tried his best to not reflect that on his face.

"Ouch that hurt! You are too straight forward Jennie," he laughed.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you but I don't date."

"Well that sucks. I really liked you but it's cool, I'm not one of those guy who'll keep running behind you to have your attention."

"Great then! I should get going now," I said and opened the door to leave.

"As you wish, Goodbye Jennie." I even heard him say that before I could get out of his unit.

I literally sprinted from that place when I heard that statement because it reminded me of someone who I'm trying to forget since the past three years. Lisa, these were the exact same words she said to me before leaving my life. My heart started beating really fast and it felt like someone just put a dagger inside my heart because I was unable to move. I felt weak. I didn't want to feel this way but I had no control over it. Everytime I got reminded of Lisa, this is how it felt like. It felt like a slow painful death.

My reverie was broken by the buzzing of my phone, I glanced at it and saw Kai's name flash on the screen. After two more rings I decided to pick it up, "Hey Kai," I said in my chirpy tone.


"Take a chill-pill Kai, I'll be there in ten," I said and hung up the phone.


It's been three years since I left my home and decided to stay in London. Earlier I had just come here with Kai for the shoot of my first music video, It was supposed to be a six months trip after which I was to return home but everything changed when Lisa decided to break up with me. I didn't have the courage to face her again hence I did what I do best. Run away from my problems. I transferred myself to a Music school in London along with Kai and we have been living together ever since. Neither my family nor my friends were happy with my decision of transferring schools but I had no other choice. I needed a fresh start, away from Lisa.

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