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Four Years Later

It's been four years, for four years we were blessed with three children, Ella is the result of the night that Lisa proposed to me, Ella is now four years old and the twins are two years old.

"Excuse me. We had a deal you two. No more growing up. You stay my two baby's forever" I say and They just look at me.

Luca has a grey Adidas tracksuit on with a white hat on, while Lily has a black one. Her hair is in two pigtails and she has white and black Adidas sneakers.

"Where's Dada?." I say and the twins point behind me. I turn around and see Lisa walking while holding Ella's hand. "Oh there she actually is" I say and they giggle clapping there hands.

"Who's dada with?" I asked and they point to Ella. I nod my head laughing and they smile at me. Ella  approaches me and I pick her up.

"Hey princess, did you have fun?" I asked and she shakes her head. "Why not?" I say and she holds out her finger. I gasp when I see the bandage. "Did you hurt your finger?" I asked and she nods her head pouting.

"Shall I kiss it better" I say and she nods her head, I kiss her finger and she smiles.

"Did dada do your hair?" I say and she shakes her head.

Her hair is in a half up half down ponytail eight her front two pieces hanging down. She had leans on and some sneakers in which the souls of match a colour in her top. Her top has multicoloured spots in and it shows a small amount of her stomach.

"Dada put you in a crop top. What did you have to do for her to do that" I say and Lisa huffs.

"I didn't she changed the top I did put in her to this then "Come on Ella" I say holding my hand out for Ella and she takes it. We came from Jisoo and Rosé house, every weekend we have family bonding. Luca cry in Lisa's arms and i huff.

"Nini, I'll watch the twins while you give Ella a bath." Lisa says and I nod.

I walk out the bedroom and into Ella's room. She's in the floor playing with her toys. "Hey baby. Bath time." I say and she jumps up. "Ok pick your pjs." I say and she walks over to her closet. I follow close behind her and she picks out some pink bottoms and a odd top.

"Baby they don't match." I say and she giggles and runs into my room. I smile shaking my head, I pick up the pyjamas and walk back into me and Lisa's bedroom.

Lisa is on the bed and Ella is trying to climb on top of it.

"Come on you." I say, I pick her up and carry her into the bathroom.

I already ran the bathtub, I just have to put Ella in which is easier said than done. She is kicking in my arms and screaming. "Fine so you want dada to give you a bath or mommy?." I asked and she shouts dada.

"Lili she wants you." I shout and I hear her laugh. I walk into the bedroom and place Ella on the bed. Lisa picks her up and carries her into the bathroom again.

I sit back on the bed and stroke Luca and Lily cheeks "I love you babies." I say as I lay on the bed next to them. They both both lay looking at the ceiling and smile. I sit on the bed and place Luca in between my legs as Lily falls asleep on Lisa's pillow, I rub my two thumbs across his cheeks and he smiles up at me. He dribbled down his chin but I just wipe it away. I take his feet in my hand and lift his legs up. "And stretch." I say bouncing his legs. "Your my little buddy aren't you. Dada is going to have Ella and Lily but your mine aren't you." I say kissing his feet.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now