Chapter 38

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror and saw a pitiful girl looking back at me. My eyes had bags under them and my nose was red because of all the crying. I genuinely need to get over Lisa. Three years is sufficient enough to get over a douchebag like her but I still can't get myself to do it. To distract myself from her thoughts, I started cleaning my cupboard but ended up finding a gift from Lisa. It was a plain silver necklace with my initial. She had gifted me this after a few weeks of our dating. It was more like a promise to me, she had vowed that one day she'll replace the necklace with a ring. But it's funny how she ended up giving my ring and my place in her life to someone else.

Why didn't you throw the necklace yet Jennie? Because you are still hoping for her to come back to you, my subconscious answered. Maybe it's time for me to return this to her. Maybe it's time for me to finally move on.

A small knock on the door jerked me out of my thoughts. "Hey, can I come in?" Krystal asked with a sweet smile on her face. The moment she saw my face she realized something was wrong because she instantly barged in and gave me a bear hug. "Were you crying Jennie?"

I wish I could lie to her but my face was way too expressive to reveal the truth. "Umm..just for a while," I confessed and hugged her back. This is all I need at the moment. Hugs, lots and lots of hugs. It somehow helps me calm a lot.

"I want to kick Lisa in her balls. She's such an asshole." Krystal's face was boiling with anger. Her resentment towards Lisa was rational yet I didn't want her to act on it. After everything that I have been through, I still care for her. My stupid heart still longing for her.

"Let's not talk about her, please. How about we go downstairs and cook something together?" I said to change the subject. I have cried enough thinking about her, I can't continue to do that for the rest of the day. I really needed a distraction.

"Okay. Time to make some cupcakes together!" Krystal cheered which made me giggle. I'm so blessed to have a sister like her, she's literally the best.

We went downstairs and started working on our cupcake recipe. Krystal proceeded with rummaging all the ingredients from the shelf one by one, whereas I searched for all the utensils - two bowls, one whisk and one spatula.

"Wow! What are you girls up to?" Tae asked entering the kitchen

Krystal gave him a big smile and said, "We are making cupcakes for everyone."

"That's amazing," he said and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. These guys are the cutest. I wanted to compliment them but instead, I just stuck my tongue out for Tae. He responded to it by pinching my nose. "Ouch. That hurts Tae." I yell at him.

"This is for not telling me about you and Kai." He pinches me again but I'm too confused to react this time. How did he find out? I glance at Krystal but she mirrored my confused look, which clearly meant she wasn't the one to break this news to Tae,. Who was it then?

"If you are wondering who told me about it...let me tell you that it was Kai," Tae replied with a smile.

I couldn't grasp why Kai told my brother about this. Now that Tae knows, this fake relationship has become official. "I'm sorry for not telling you," I say in a low tone.

"It's fine Jennie. I'm happy as long as my sister is happy," she said and gave me a hug. "Honestly I was a little mad when you broke up with Lisa. But now that you both are happy in your respective lives, I'm relieved."

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