Chapter 30

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It's exactly six o'clock in the evening but Lisa is not here yet. Krystal and I already prepared the food for our dinner party today and I am eagerly waiting for Lisa to come home. I called her numerous times but she didn't answer any of my calls, with every passing minute I am getting more and more anxious.

"She'll be here soon. Don't worry," Krystal said while preparing the dinner table.

"I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. Lisa isn't even picking up my calls, she never ignores my calls you know. If she's busy she atleast leaves a text but I have no idea why she's ignoring me like this.. "

"She left because her dad called her right?"

"Yes. That's what Chahee told me."

"So there might be something up with her family. Don't worry Jen, she'll come here soon and tell you everything." Krsytal said and gave me a hug.

"Are you excited to meet Kai finally?" I asked to change the subject because I didn't want to think about Lisa anymore.

"I am nervous honestly. We haven't seen each other since two months. This is the longest I have been without seeing his face. It feels a bit weird," she confessed.

"He's nervous too. But I'm glad he finally agreed to meet you."

"Yes me too. I was a bit scared to tell Tae about this but he's happy that Kai is coming."

"You know my brother is not the jealous type guy. He knows how much you love him so he doesn't care about Kai or any other guy falling for you. Infact he was upset when Kai decided to stop talking to you because he knows how important Kai is for you."

"I didn't know about this. Was he really upset about that?"

"Yes. Don't tell him about this though. He asked me to convince Kai to become friends with you again."

She chuckled and said,"I can't believe Tae asked you to do that! I always thought he didn't like me talking about Kai a lot."

"You are not supposed to tell him this okay."

"I won't. But that's so sweet of him. I think I'm falling more in love with your brother every day," Krystal said and blushed like a high school girl sick in love.

"You girls should stop gossiping about your love life and set the table. It's already six thirty, Jennie's friends will be here any minute," I heard mum say in the background which made both of us giggle. We immediately started helping mum in setting the table. Tae came downstairs after a few minutes and helped us too.

"Congratulations my little sister for winning the competition, you ready to party tonight?" Tae asked and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes I am," I said and grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Once the dining table was set by mum she kissed me on my cheeks, "I'm going to be upstairs. You children have fun tonight."

"We will." Krystal and I said in unison.

The doorbell rang and Tae went to answer it. "Hey congratulations man. I'm really happy for you," I heard Tae say. We all immediately guessed that it was Kai. Krystal got a bit tensed but nevertheless she walked towards the door with a bright smile on her face.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now