Chapter 27

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The party seemed like it was never ending. Though it was eleven at night still people were least interested to leave. They seemed to enjoy the ambience and the food. Everyone kept appreciating Mom and Aunt Chaerin for their amazing cooking skills. I hardly got any time to speak with Tae and Krystal. They were the celebrity couples of the evening, surrounded by fans all around. No matter how much Lisa and I tried to corner them, all our efforts were in vain because someone or the other called for the celebrity couple and they had to leave again. Eventually we gave up and decided that we'll talk with them the next morning when everyone is finally gone.

"You want to go upstairs? I'm tired of pretending to have fun in this boring party," Lisa said in a low voice so that no one could hear about her misery. I chuckled, lightly,

"Yeah. Let's go. I'm bored too." We then quietly made our way upstairs to make sure that no one notices us leaving.

"Finally I get to spend some alone time with my girl," Lisa said while directly making her way to my bed and getting under the blankets.

"You're going to stay here tonight?" I asked as she looked pretty comfortable in my bed and it didn't feel like she was going to leave any time soon.

"Yes. I'm all yours for tonight Love," she said which made both of us laugh. She then opened her arms signalling me to come and give her a hug which I willingly agreed to.

"I should get changed first, then I'll join you," I said and started looking for my comfy pyjamas.

"What was the scene with that Kai dude? Why did you run after him?" Lisa asked inquisitvely. She was trying her best to not sound too nosy or possessive but I could see it in her face that she didn't like the fact that I ran after Kai.

"It's kind of a sad story - Kai has been inlove with Krystal for seven years," I replied.

"What! He didn't know about Tae and Krystal?" Lisa asked. Her expression had changed from anger to concern within split seconds. She obviously felt bad for Kai just like anybody else would if they find out about this.

"No. I guess Krystal didn't tell him about it."

"That sucks. I feel bad for him."

"The worst thing is that he was going to confess to Krystal tonight but instead he had to see all this with his own eyes."

"That's why you run behind him?"

"Yes. I didn't feel like leaving him alone in such a situation," I said and went to my washroom to change. The moment I came out, I heard my phone buzz. Lisa was already busy playing a game on my phone so she read the message for me. It was from Kai.

Thank you for tonight. I hope you take my secret till your grave.

Lisa laughed a little and reminded me that I already broke the promise by spilling the secret to her.

"I told you because I trust you, you are supposed to keep this information only to yourself," I said and got under the blanket with her. She immediately kept the phone down and cuddled with me. My head was resting on her chest and her hands were perfectly circled around my waist. It felt so comfortable to sleep with Lisa like this. "You remember Franz?" Lisa asked out of the blue. I was taken aback by that question because I had completely forgotten about Franz. He was the guy I had felt a real connection with when I met him at the masquerade ball. I tried so hard to find him but I couldn't. I did doubt on Kai later because he had given his pen name for the singing competition as Franz but I had no actual proof to support that he indeed was the guy behind the mask who I had met that day.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now