Chapter 12

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"Honey wake up! You are late for school again." I heard mom yell at the top of her voice. I turn to look at my alarm clock placed on the side of my bed, it's 10:50 am. Shit! I just have 10 minutes to reach school. I jump out of my bed and run towards the bathroom. In less than five minutes, I brush my teeth, take my bath, change into my uniform, and comb my hair. I then make my way downstairs and rush towards the refrigerator, grabbing an apple for myself to eat on the way to school.

"Should I drop you, honey?" Dad asked seeing me in such a hasten state.

"No. I'll manage. Lisa didn't come today?" I asked while putting on my shoes.

"She dropped early this morning to say hello and also mentioned that she'll be busy the whole day because of her football practice."

"Okay. Cool. I'm leaving." I said while tying my shoelace, before I could make my way out through the door, I see Tae enter the house with a bouquet in his hand. "Happy anniversary Mom and Dad," he said while entering and then ran to give a big hug to dad.

"What a surprise child! Why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

Dad asked while patting him on his shoulders.

"I wanted to give you both a surprise," he said and turned to mom, kissing her on the cheeks.

"Excuse me? Where's my hug?" I inquire in an annoyed tone. His lips curve into a smile and then he gives me a tight embrace, squeezing my neck so tight that it's almost difficult to breathe. "I missed you stupid," he said kissing me on my forehead.

"Me too big brother."

"Aren't you late for school honey?" Mom questioned from behind.

"How can I leave Tae and go, mom? Plus it's your anniversary today," I said with a big smile on my face.

"Shut up you silly girl. You didn't even remember that it was our anniversary today."

"I did," I lied.

Mom laughed, "Lisa came this morning to wish us and she was right when she said that you wouldn't remember it."

Oh God! Why didn't that stupid person remind me about this?

"I am sorry. I don't remember all these dates mom."

"Its okay honey. Go change now and let's have breakfast together," Dad said while taking his seat in the dining table followed by Tae who went and sat right next to him. Both of them then got engaged in talking about Tae's recent project, his horrible boss, and so on. Meanwhile, I helped mom a little with breakfast and then made my way to my room to change into some comfortable clothes.

I opened Facebook as soon as I reached my room and saw a message from Kai.


Why aren't you at school today?

I laughed seeing his message and instantly replied.



Do you miss me?


So much...It seems like an eternity that I haven't seen your beautiful face.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now