Chapter 42

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This dinner was more awkward than I had envisioned it to be. Uncle Siwon and Aunt Chaerin came in early as Aunt Chaerin always helped mom to cook whereas Uncle Siwon sat with my dad and spoke about work and life while sipping the tea I made for them. Kai and I decided to chill at my room for some while before Krystal called us downstairs as Lisa had arrived along with So Hee and Sophie. Everyone exchanged their greetings with each other except Lisa and me. I felt extremely awkward to face her after what happened last night hence I avoided her and I'm glad she did the same.

Sophie was so elated to see me that she nearly jumped on me when she entered the house. "Princess you so pretty," she said with a big smile on her face which made me smile too. We gave each other a tight hug and then joined everyone at the dinner table. The table was filled with delicious food which looked so appetizing that everyone practically leapt on it. For the next half an hour we were busy munching our foods and appreciating Aunt Chaerin and mom for their amazing cooking skills. After dinner, we sat together in the hall room while Aunt Chaerin served ice creams to everyone.

"I heard you cracked an amazing deal for your company Lisa, " Tae said while taking a bite from his chocolate ice cream.

Uncle Siwon's face lit up implying how proud he was of her daughter while So Hee patted Lisa on the back with a soft smile. "We have a party this weekend to celebrate it and you all should come," Lisa announced and everyone seemed excited about it.

"We will definitely come kid," Dad said and mom joined in too.

The conversations kept flowing after that. The adults kept talking about business while Sophie and I kept playing rock, paper, scissors with each other. I never thought we would become so close in such a short span of time but I was truly enjoying being around her. She was like a ball of happiness, she had the power to make everyone around her smile.

"So when are you guys coming up with your next album? The first one was really good by the way." Aunt Chaerin inquired and suddenly everyone's attention turned towards Kai and me.

"Well, we'll be leaving for London in two weeks so the next album will be coming pretty soon," Kai answered nonchalantly which completely surprised me since I had no idea we were leaving for London so promptly.

"Two weeks? Why didn't you tell me about this before?" I asked Kai because I was so mad at him for keeping such an important piece of information away from me. I didn't want to leave so soon. I know I had been avoiding coming here since so long but now that I'm back, I don't feel like leaving so soon.

Kai gave me his casual smile and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to mention it to you but I have already signed a contract with Celeste. She wants us in London in two weeks."

"You signed a contract Kai? But I don't think I want to leave this place yet," I said in an irritated manner because I was so mad at him for signing a damn contract without even telling me about it. I know this isn't the right place to yell at him since everyone was around but I couldn't control myself.

"Chill Sugar, you still have two weeks before we leave," he said with a soft smile which made me more furious. How could he be so casual about something like this? Before I could open my mouth to yell at him further, Lisa came in between and said angrily,

"Maybe you should have first consulted it with her before signing the damn contract!"

The moment Lisa said those words, all heads turned towards her since no one was expecting something like that to come out of her mouth. To say that everyone was surprised was an understatement, they looked baffled. So Hee seemed the most uncomfortable amongst all, probably because she didn't expect Lisa to meddle in my personal conversation with Kai. Honestly, I felt a bit irritated with her intervention too. She had no right to yell at Kai like that. This is my personal issue and I can handle it on my own.

"Excuse me? I don't think I'm answerable to you," Kai replied calmly which infuriated Lisa even more. She clenched her jaw tightly and was about to say something further when Aunt Chaerin intervened

"Lisa I think you should go out for a bit."

Lisa turned to look at her mom, her face full of anger because of Kai but nevertheless when she saw Aunt Chaerin's serious face she sighed and left the room immediately. The entire atmosphere of the room was very uncomfortable, no one knew what to say and everyone just looked at each other dumbfoundedly. So Hee was about to get up from her place and follow Lisa outside the house when Aunt Chaerin asked her to stay and let me go instead. "Let Jennie and Lisa solve this on their own," she said and indicated me to go outside. I was a little hesitant at first but I followed her instructions anyway.

The moment I reached outside I saw her standing near her car, her back rested on the door. I walked up to her and directly questioned, "What just happened inside?"

She looked at me with an unreadable expression on her face, "What do you mean what happened?"

"Don't pretend to be naive right now Lisa... You know what I'm talking about," I said angrily. "You just tried to embarrass my boyfriend in front of everyone."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did. What the hell is wrong with you Lisa? Why are you acting this way?"

"How am I acting Jennie?"

"Like a jealous teenage girl," I replied which instantly made her furious.

"I'm not jealous," she said in her defence which made me laugh.

"Yes, you clearly are. You can't stand the thought of me leaving this town with Kai. You hate it and I can see that in your eyes," I blurted out and immediately regretted it the next second. She was quiet for some time but then she said something which made my knees go weak. I had never thought in a million years that Lisa would say that to me.

"Yes, I do Nini. I fucking hate to see you with him," she said and marched off without waiting to hear my response.


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