Chapter 47

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I could hear faint noises of someone weeping. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, my body wasn't supporting me. The outcry didn't cease for a long time after which I heard the door opening. "You should go home and rest Jennie. I'll stay next to her." I heard someone say but I couldn't quite understand who the owner of the voice was. He seemed familiar but my mind was unable to process anything.

I inferred from the smell of injections and medicines that I was in a hospital bed presently, but how did I exactly get here? Maybe my brain needed some more time to settle and then I could calmly sit and worry about all the events that had occurred since the party.

I heard the sound of a chair being pulled and someone sitting next to me. That person lightly caressed my hair "I'm sorry So Hee, all this started because of me. I'm so sorry that you and Lisa got involved in this."

I suddenly recalled this was Uncle Siwon's voice. What on earth was he sorry for? And where is Lisa right now? Shouldn't Uncle Siwon be with his daughter right now?

"Honestly I never thought that one small affair of mine would lead to the destructions of so many lives," he continued and I suddenly felt a chill run across my entire body. What is he trying to say? Whose life did he destroy? My mind was creating so many questions but I was unable to speak them out loud. I needed answers. I needed to know what Uncle Siwon was saying and that's when I forced my eyes to open up. It wasn't easy at first since my body wasn't helping me much but eventually, after giving numerous tries, I did open my eyes slowly and was welcomed with Uncle Siwon's surprised-looking face. "Oh my God! You finally opened your eyes. Wait a minute! I'll go call the nurse," he said and rushed out of the room.

Within minutes a nurse came in with a box in her hand. She gazed at me, giving me a soft smile, "How are you feeling?" I attempted to get up from the bed and rest in a sitting positing, but I was unable to do so on my own, so she assisted me to get up.

"My head feels heavy," I answered back.

She nodded her head "You were in an accident So Hee. You injured your head and lost a lot of blood. But we operated you so everything is fine now. Your head will feel a bit heavy for a few more days." She then opened her box and pulled out a medicine. "Have this, you'll feel better." I took the medicine she gave me and plopped it inside my mouth along with a glass of water.

Uncle Siwon entered the room with a tray in his hand which had a glass full of watermelon juice. The nurse grinned "You have really caring people around you, first that girl and now this man. They have been waiting for you to wake up since one full day."

I was shocked to hear her words. I was unconscious for an entire day? The nurse kept some more medicines next to my table and instructed Uncle Siwon to give them to me after lunch. He nodded listening to that and thanked her for coming so promptly.

He then made his way towards me and offered me the glass of juice. "Here, take this, you'll feel better." Even though I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask him, I decided to drink the juice first because my body needed some energy.

After five minutes of sipping the juice in silence, I finally decide to open my mouth and speak. "Where are Lisa and my dad?"

Uncle Siwon paused for a moment before speaking. "They are in the intensive care unit since a day. But the doctors told me this morning that your dad is showing some signs of improvement."

"And what about Lisa?"

"Lisa's still in a critical stage, the doctors told that she'll be kept under observation for a few more days," he answered softly. I felt a pang of guilt in my heart. Even the tiny thought of Lisa not surviving because of my dad brought goosebumps in my entire body. God can't be this evil right? All she did was try and save Jennie from my dad. She surely deserved to live for putting her life in danger to save someone else's.

"Does Sophie know about all this?" I asked, suddenly getting reminded of the fact that I had left her with the nanny at home.

"Yes, she's staying at our place for now. Your Aunt Chaerin is looking after her," he replied and I nodded my head in acknowledgment. I wanted to ask him about the thing he was talking about earlier. The mistake. The affair. The destruction of lives. But I didn't know how to bring that up exactly. Uncle Siwon probably doesn't know that I had already gained consciousness while he confessed those things to my sleeping body.

I gathered some courage and ultimately decided to pose my question. "What mistake were you talking about earlier?" He took a sharp breath after listening to my words, presumably because he wasn't expecting me to hear all that.

"You heard everything?"

"Yes, I did. But I didn't quite understand any of it," I answered back and waited for him to explain everything to me. Looking at his pale face, I understood what was going to come next wouldn't be delighting to hear but I wanted to know the truth. After everything that had happened, I somewhat felt like I never really understood the people around me. I realized that all this while, I was living in my fantasy bubble and believing that every aspect of my life was perfect - including my dad. But I was completely mistaken.

"You might regret knowing the truth," he said which made me laugh a little because I knew he was right. I regret getting to know the true colours of my dad, but that's still better than living in oblivion all your life right?

"Trust me, I won't. I just need to know the truth," I retorted.

"Okay," he answered and made his way to the seat next to my bed, taking a big sigh with grief, he started explaining all the events that occurred three years ago. When he was finally done speaking, I instantly asked him to leave the room because I wanted to be left alone for some while. He kept apologizing for everything but I simply told him that I needed some space to process all this information. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I felt like a bolt of lighting just hit me and there was nothing I could do to avoid it.

I was right when I said that I was living in a fantasy bubble. Uncle Siwon's revelation just proved how ignorant I was of everything and what a big loser my dad made of me. I was stupid enough to believe that Jennie was coming between me and Lisa, but the truth was that all this while I was the one who wrecked her relationship. I was never supposed to be with Lisa in the first place. I don't even feel I deserved the kindness she showed to me all these years, even after the ridiculous deal my dad forced her into.

I wanted to cry but I guess there were no tears left in my body. I felt numb. How could my dad even do something so evil? I didn't know how to face Lisa after getting to know the entire truth about our fake relationship. Everything felt like one massive lie.

I wondered if I was feeling this way, how would Jennie feel if she learned the truth. Because of my dad's nasty proposal, the most destruction was done to her. She pretended to be okay all these years in front of everyone, even though she was hurting from inside.

I felt like a bitch at that moment, trying to separate two people who were always meant to be together. After an hour of pondering, I finally decided to call the one person who needed to hear the truth more than me. The one person who truly deserves her happiness.


𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now