Chapter 28

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It's already been three month since Tae and Krystal announced their engagement at a party and a lot of things have changed post the announcement. For instance, Krystal has now become a part of our family and has moved in with us. She didn't feel that comfortable about moving in before marriage but mom convinced her pretty soon. She basically emotionally blackmailed Krystal by saying things like "I can't wait for you to join in our family", "Jennie will have so much fun to have a sister like you around 24*7", "I don't want to wait till your marriage. You are my daughter and I want you to come live with us."

After continuous attempts by mom every single day for two weeks straight, Krystal finally agreed to move in with us. Tae was the happiest when he found out about it. Even I was excited because having Krystal around is always fun. She's the sweetest and the most perfect sister anyone could wish for.

A lot of things happened at school too. Firstly, Lisa and her team had won the Premier league for which they got many prizes. Lisa was given the title of the Best Captain' and received an award by our Principal. She and a few of her teammates also got selected by a club. This basically meant that after school ends she has to devote her entire time in training and preparing herself to represent her club in various leagues. Lisa always wanted to be a footballer and seeing her dreams turn into a reality made me extremely proud of her.

The results of the singing competition was also out last month. Emily, Kai and I were the three students who were going to compete in the last round. Our real names were revealed to all the students, we no longer hide behind our pen names. Kai was so happy when the results came out, he had been a little distracted due to the whole Krystal thing and music was the only escape he had from his miseries. He did confess to Krystal after a month from the engagement because it was difficult for him to keep it within himself. Krystal was pretty shocked to hear everything as she never expected something like that from Kai. Later he assured her saying that he just needs some time away from her and that he'll be fine after that. So currently Kai is maintaining a lot of distance from Krystal because he doesn't want his feelings to be a burden for her. He spends most of his time with us these days. Kai and I practice music together too. He even taught me how to play the piano. We have become pretty close now and I always try my best to cheer him up because though he doesn't show it, I know he's hurt and is trying his best to hide it all behind his smile. Krystal also requested me to stay around him a lot more now since he stopped talking to her. Even though she doesn't like him in a romantic way yet she cares for him a lot, after all they were best friends for so long.

Rosé confessed to Jisoo too, it took her many months to finally confront her about her feelings and tell her that she was the mystery girl she had met at the masquerade ball. Jisoo was quite surprised to hear about it. She was definitely happy to know that she had finally met her mystery girl but she also admitted that she wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment. Rosé wasn't that content with her response but nevertheless she agreed to wait for her till she's ready to take their friendship to the next level. No one knows about this except me, Jisoo and Rosé want to take it slow and they asked me to not tell about this to anyone including Lisa. I don't know how long I can hide this from her but I'll definitely try my best.

Next week we have the finale of the singing competition and I'm so thrilled. Kai and I have been practicing together for the last round. He gives me a lot of tips all the time. Sometimes I feel Kai is definitely going to win and there's no point of me competing with such an amazing singer but he reassures me by saying that I'm not that bad as I think and I do have a chance to win if I practice well. So that's what I do these days, attend school and practice for the rest of the evening.

Lisa does come to meet me sometimes in the evening. We just eat together or watch a movie, cuddling, and more more intense kissing. The other day she gifted me a necklace. It was a plain silver necklace with my initial J. It looked so simple but elegant at the same time. I promised her that I'll never remove it and she told me that she'll soon exchange it with a beautiful ring. I was so gushed to hear that I immediately jumped on her and kissed her hard. She couldn't stop smiling then and kissed me back.

I don't think I'm ever going to stop loving this girl. She has all my heart.

The End

Hahaha chaar lang short update for now

Hahaha chaar lang short update for now😘

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