Chapter 17

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Lisa was really angry the moment she found out the whole story about Tae introducing us to his girlfriend last night. She was upset because Tae didn't tell her about this but at the same time I did notice the happiness in her eyes. Just like me Lisa was happy for Tae too, because we never really thought that Tae would believe in love again after Uncle and Aunt passed away.

Tae looked like he had moved on from the outside and everyone even appreciated him for letting go of his past and moving on but little did they know that Tae was still trying to fix himself. He was still trying to heal the wounds which were too deep for him to fill. The only two people who knew what was actually his situation was me and Lisa.

We knew that Tae hadn't really moved on and that every night he cried himself to sleep. Though life was cruel to him still he put up a smile on his face every morning and started his day. He is the bravest and the strongest person I know. And now that Krystal has come into his life, I'm definitely sure that the wounds will heal slowly. Thought it'll take time but the hole will definitely be filled by Krystal. Tae is really lucky to have found her and I'm so happy for them and so is Lisa. Lisa always said that love has the power to heal wounds and now that Krystal has come Tae will be back to his old self soon.

"Penny for your thoughts Nini?" Lisa said while we were seated in her car ready to go to school.

"I was just thinking about Tae and Krystal."

"I'm going to kill your brother Nini. He didn't tell me about this and I thought there were no secrets between us."

"He didn't tell me too Lili. I asked him for an explanation and he just said that he wanted to be sure before telling me."

"Okay that's a valid reason. I won't fight with him then."

"That's my girl." I said and caressed her hair like she was a small puppy.

"How's Krystal though? Is she worth the wait?"

"She's the most amazing person one could ever meet. I'm so glad Tae found her."

"Why didn't you all call me? I want to see her too." Lisa complained like a small kid and trust me, she looked so damn cute.

"You had football practice yesterday stupid. Also when I called you, you were busy with the team remember?"

"Oh yes! I forgot. But when will I get to meet her?"

"The next family dinner I guess. I have a feeling that Tae will call Krystal."

"Wait! You mean our traditional dinner every month? I don't think Tae would call her for that."

"I think he will. They are pretty serious about each other."

"No I don't think so Nini."

"Why do you think Tae is not leaving for Paris and instead staying here? He is not doing this because of you or me Lisa, all this is for Krystal. He loves her Lili. He loves her so much that he is ready to stay in the town which has always given him bad memories. He is finally moving on and I'm so happy for him."

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