Chapter 26

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It was seven in the evening and the guests had already started arriving. I still didn't know what the party was kept for, I asked my parents numerous times but they answered with you'll find out soon' every single time so eventually I just gave up and started to get ready for the party. I decided to wear a red dress which fitted my body perfectly and had a slit in the end. I was tying my hair in a pony when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come In" I said while fixing my pony.

"You look gorgeous Nini," Lisa said and hugged me from behind, and kiss me on my cheeks. My face instantly broke into a smile.

"Do you know what's the party for?" I asked Lisa while caressing her fingers.

"No. It's a suprise."

"Well then, let's go down and find out." I said while holding her hand and walking towards the door.

"I'm really not interested in the party Nini. I just want to spend time with you. That's it." Lisa said while making a puppy face. Even though she looked extremely cute right now but there was nothing I could do about it. I gave a small kiss on her cheeks and pulled her downstairs as we were already late.

It was hardly a few minutes that we entered the party and Lisa was already pulled in the crowd by her teammates. She insisted on staying with me but I asked her to go enjoy with her friends and started looking for Rosé and Chahee. My mom had decorated our house really well. There were fairy lights hung on the walls and the dining table was filled with all the delicious foods one could think of. This kind of celebration has never really happened in the house before and I'm more than curious to know what's the reason behind this party.

"Hey Jennie," Kai said and gave me a hug.

"Hey Kai. I didn't know you were invited too." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Is it just me or even you don't know the reason behind this party?"

"I have no idea. I'm guessing it's probably to celebrate Lisa's win at the Premier League." I said while picking up a cookie from the dining table and taking a small bite of it. Damn. This is delicious. I'm sure Aunt Chaerin has made this.

"Congratulations. I must say that was one hell of a proposal at the auditorium" Kai said which made both of us break into a series of laughter.

"Stop pulling my leg Kai." I said while passing a cookie to him.

"No. I'm serious. The look on your face was priceless. I wish I had clicked a picture to show you."

"Oh come on! I just didn't expect it you know."

"It's okay Jennie. None of us really expected Lisa to do something like that. But I'm very happy for you two." Kai said with a big smile on his face.

"Thankyou Kai. That means a lot. Also you sang really well in the second round. I'm sure you'll qualify."

"That's very sweet of you. Can you keep another secret of mine?"

"What secret?"

"Today I am going to propose the girl I have been inlove since seven years" Kai said with a very nervous look on his face. I remember this. The last time we went to a cafe together, I had overheard Kai talking to the guy at the counter about this. I was extremely curious to know who the girl was but I couldn't gather the courage to ask him that day.

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