Chapter 24

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"Lisa that was literally the sweetest proposal I have ever seen, Rosé said while sipping her cup of coffee.

"Yeah Dude. I never thought you would do something like that," Jisoo added.

All of us were sitting at a cafe and celebrating our school's win along with day one of Lisa and my relationship. I am so happy that I have no words to express. I never knew Lisa liked me more than a friend. But fortunately she feels exactly the same way I feel for her. The only thing which scares me a little is that a lot of girls at school are going to hate me now. Lisa has a big fan following and this news will definitely spread like a wild fire in our town.

"Where are you lost Nini?" Lisa cut in and interrupted all my thoughts.

"Nothing. Just zoned out for a bit," I replied.

"What is it? Are you having second thoughts about our relationship?" Lisa enquired.

"No stupid. Obviously not. I'm just scared with the amount of hate I'll get because I'm dating you now."

My comment made everyone at the table laugh. Rosé almost spat her coffee, "Well that's true. A lot of girls would want to kill you right now."

"You don't have to worry about all this Nini. Please just stop overthinking and scaring me like this, " Lisa said in an attempt to reassure me.

"Okay okay I'll stop," I said in a cool tone.

"Did you guys already start celebrating without me?" I heard Chahee's voice from the back. She looked furious at first but then gave her pretty smile which assured us that she was just pretending to be mad.

"The party has just begun. Join in Cha," I said and gave her a hug.

"I'm so happy for you both, " Chahee said while hugging me back. "This party looks so boring. Time to have some wine guys."

"Yes. Let's have some wine," Rosé joined in.

"Okay then. Wine it is!" Jisoo said and ordered for all of us.

Within a few minutes, the wine was served and we all held our glasses up for a toast.

"To Lisa and Jennie. I hope you guys stay together forever." Jisoo said before gulping the entire wine in one sip.


"I still can't believe that you are finally my girlfriend," Lisa said while we were heading back home in her car.

"Then you should Manoban. Today is day one of our relationship," I said with a very big smile on my face.

"And exactly how many days have you decided to spend with me?"

"Depends on the way you treat me from now on,"

"You are not allowed to leave me Nini."

"I can, incase you get boring and I'm tired of your company," I said in a teasing tone but it definitely upset her because she didn't say a word after that.

"Lili I was just pulling your leg. Stop getting upset at such a petty thing," I said to gain her attention again but she was busy just focusing on the road and didn't even give me a glance.

"Liliiiiiiiiiiii! I'M SORRY?!!" I said in a confused tone because I wasn't really sure why I was apologizing to her in the first place. Probably because I didn't want our day one to end up in a fight, that too on an issue which is so small.

"Liliiiii! Are you seriously going to ignore me?"

"Wow! Great. Day one ends up with us fighting. This is amazing. I love it," I said in a sarcastic manner hoping that she would finally open her mouth and say something but she didn't.

The rest of the drive was in absolute silence. I tried talking to her but she kept focusing on the road the entire time. Eventually I got tired and decided to just enjoy the view from my window and stay quiet.

After about fifteen minutes of a quiet drive, we finally reached my home. I was about to get down from the car when Lisa stopped me by pulling my hand, "Nini I'm sorry for getting mad. It's just that -*

"It's just what?"

"I don't want you to get tired of me ever. I want you in my life forever. You have no idea what you mean to me Nini. I can't imagine my life without out."

This instantly brought a very big smile on my face. Lisa isn't the kind of person who likes to show her vulnerable side to people much. She prefers to be the cool girl who doesn't give a shit about anyone else but seeing her opening up about her feelings for me made me really happy. She looked absolutely vulnerable but cute at the same time.

"I promise to never get bored of you Lili. I love you," I said and gave her a smack on her lips.

"I love you too Nini," she said with a stupid grin on her face, and she kissed me softly on my lips.

Manoban is sulking 😁
So cuteeee Lili

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