Chapter 43

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I stood at my front door for a long time contemplating whether I should go inside or not. It had been almost twenty minutes since Lisa had stomped off after saying those words to me. 'Yes, I do Nini. I fucking hate to see you with him. "Those words kept ringing in my ears. I had never expected to hear this from her mouth. The fact that she called me Nini after so many years was delightful to hear but at the same time, she told me that she hates to see me with Kai. Doesn't this mean that she still has feelings for me? Why would she say something like that and then march off likes it's not a big deal. I feel so messed right now. I need answers. I want to know what Lisa exactly feels but I need to wait. I need to wait until we are alone again and then talk about this.

I sigh before opening the front door and walk inside to see everyone sitting at the hall room and chatting with each other. The sight that astonished me the most was Lisa and Kai comfortably sitting next to each other and laughing together. Weren't these two fighting a few minutes ago? How can they switch to laughing together so soon?

"What took you so long?" Krystal asked me the moment I stepped inside the hall room.

"Nothing. I was just taking in some fresh air," I answered and looked. around to search for the only person who could make me a little cheerful right now - Sophie. My eyes started searching for her in the hall room but she was nowhere to be seen hence I made my way into the kitchen.

"Are you looking for someone?" I heard So Hee asked from behind. I turned to see her standing at the door with ice cream cups in her hand.

"Yes, I was actually looking for Sophie," I replied which instantly brought a smile on her face.

"I hope you don't mind but she went upstairs to see your room," So Hee said and this time it was me who ended up smiling.

"She's a very cute kid, " I said while helping her by taking some ice cream cups from her hand and throwing it at the bin.

"Yeah, I know. Also, she likes you a lot. I have never seen her get so comfortable with someone so soon."

I laughed after hearing that. I had never imagined that I would end up getting so comfortable around Sophie too. "You know the first time we met at the mall when she was lost, she didn't care about finding her dada instead she wanted ice cream," I told So Hee which made her chuckle.

"Yeah, she loves ice cream a lot," So Hee said and then stood there silently just looking at me with an expression I couldn't really decipher.

"What's wrong?" I inquired because her facial expressions were too difficult for me to interpret.

"I'm sorry," she confessed and looked elsewhere, avoiding to meet my eye.

"For what?"

"Lisa shouldn't have intervened in your personal conversation with Kai like that."

"That's okay. We spoke about it and she apologized so everything is fine now," I lied because obviously, I didn't have the courage to tell her the truth.

"That's great then. Thanks for having me here tonight and I think you should head upstairs now, Sophie is probably waiting for you," So Hee said with a soft smile before leaving the kitchen.

I went upstairs and opened the door of my room to find Sophie pleasantly resting on my bed. She looked so adorable that I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I walked up to her and asked, "You like my room kiddo?"

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