Chapter 29

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The last round of the singing competition just got over and my heart is palpitating wildly. The judges announced that all the three participants gave a tough competition hence they need some time to decide the winner. Kai and I are sitting backstage holding hands as we both are equally scared. Emily, the third participant is nowhere to be seen. She probably went out to get some air since she's freaking out too.

"You want to go out for some time? I think the results will come in an hour or so," Kai said while picking up his phone and getting ready to leave.

"Yes. Let's go. If I stay here I won't be able to stop thinking about the results," I replied and started walking towards the door. The moment I open the door Lisa was standing there with a big smile on her face.

"You two were amazing today," she said and gave us a big hug. Chahee, Rosé and Jisoo were there too with a huge grin plastered on their faces.

"I loved both your performances so much. I still can't decide who was the better one amongst you two," Rosé said which made everyone laugh.

"Thank you Rosé, That means a lot," Kai said while giving her a side hug.

"I'm so scared for the results honestly," I blurted.

"Me too," Kai replied.

"Let's stop thinking about this and go out to grab some drinks, what all you say?" Jisoo said to calm us down a little bit.

"Yes. Drinks will definitely help," Chahee repeated after her.

I was about to affirm to the plan when suddenly I heard the mic turning on, I immediately held Lisa's hand tightly. Everyone became quiet by now because all of us knew what was coming next..

Hello students! The results of the singing competition is out sooner than we expected it to be. I must say all the three participants did a commendable job but sadly we can choose only one winner who'll get a chance to make their own music video. So are you ready to find out who the winner is?

The whole crowd started cheering then.

Wow! Everyone seems excited. Let me tell you all that it was tough. We loved all the performances so much that choosing one amongst all was a difficult job so there's a slight change that we did.

Change? What change? Please don't tell me there will be another round. I'm already freaking out. Just say the results quickly.

I won't keep you guys waiting any longer.. The winner of the singing competition and the person who gets a chance to make their own music video is... Kai and Jennie.

What? We both have won? I turned to look at Kai and he was reflecting exactly the same expression that I had on my face. Shock.

We just don't have one winner but two winners this time. Guys you both are so freaking good that we are afraid we need you both in our music video. So come on up and grab your trophies.

Everyone started hooting for us and Lisa gave me a big tight hug before I went on the stage to collect the trophy. "So I guess we both win," I whispered to Kai and chuckled lightly while we were walking down the aisle to get on the stage.

"Yes. I'm so proud of us Jennie," Kai said while giving me a side hug.

We reached on the stage and shaked hands with all the judges. They looked so happy to see us. One of the judges even hugged the two of us. "You guys are great singers. I can't wait to work with you two for the music video," she said with a huge smile on her face.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now