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Three Years later

"Lisa hurry up we are getting late!" I yelled at the top of my voice while plopping in my heels at the doorstep.

"Yeah, I'm coming Nini. Just picking up Soohie's gift," she replied and came downstairs holding a nicely wrapped blue color box.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot about the gift. Thanks for remembering." I mumbled while searching for the house keys in the drawer. "Okay now let's hurry up, everyone's waiting for us outside."

The moment we opened our front door, the entire gang was waiting for us in the car. "You guys are late again," Chahee said in an irritated manner.

"It's Lisa's fault this time," I replied while hugging Rosé who had got out of the car to put our gift in the trunk. The minute we got in, Kai started the engine at full speed to get ready for our two-hour-long drive to surprise Sophie on her birthday.

It had been three years since Mr. Han was sent to prison for an attempt to murder. Aunt Chaerin had divorced Uncle Siwon too. They still saw each other at times since Lisa worked in the same company as Uncle Siwon but everyone knew that no matter what Uncle Siwon did, he wouldn't be forgiven by Aunt Chaerin. She hated him for involving the kids in his mistake and swore to never get back with him.

So Hee left the town with Sophie soon after her dad's imprisonment. She needed a fresh new start away from everybody. Lisa wasn't that pleased with her decision as that would mean she wouldn't get to see Sophie that often, but she didn't object to it because she understood her opinion of wanting a fresh start.

Lisa kept visiting Sophie regularly and still treated her like her own daughter. After two years of living separately from Lisa, So Hee decided to reveal the truth to Sophie too. She knew now that Lisa wasn't her dada, but that didn't change their bond in the slightest.

I felt a little awkward while reintroducing myself to Sophie as Lisa's girlfriend but she didn't appear that bothered with that fact. Lisa was obviously happy that Sophie accepted me but somewhere I felt she still needed some more time to properly digest everything.

"I can't believe Sophie is six now. She's growing up too soon," Jisoo said while passing some cold drinks she had bought for the trip.

"Do you think she has a boyfriend?" Rosé asked and received an ugly stare from everyone.

"She's so young Rosé.  How would she have a boyfriend at this age," Chahee answered back.

"I had my first boyfriend when I was six," Rosé said which immediately made Jisoo's head turn.

"Why didn't I know this?" Jisoo asked in an annoyed tone and everyone laughed seeing her jealous behavior..

"Well, turns out there's a lot you still don't know about your girlfriend" Kai commented which made everyone laugh and Jisoo just pouted her lips to express her resentment with Rosé


After a two-hour-long drive, we finally reached So Hee's place and were successful in surprising Sophie She was extremely happy to meet all of us and receive so many gifts.

"You guys should have at least told me you all were coming. This house looks like a mess right now," So Hee while we all sat together in the hall room drinking tea.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now