Chapter 22

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I'm scared. I'm so damn scared right now. I know this is my second time giving an audition but I'm scared to death. If I screw this up then I'm done. They are going to choose the top five finalists today and also reveal their true identities. We can no more hide behind our pen names and the whole school will know our name if we get in the top five. Kai was scared too but he was acting in a much calmer way than me.

"You need to chill a little Jennie. We can do this." He said while offering me a sip from his coffee.

"Yeah I know. I'm just ... I don't know.."

"Don't worry it's going to be fine. Now hurry up and go, you're next."

The audition room was same as before. It was all dark with a mic at the centre and a spot light. I walked straight at the centre of the room and introduced myself with my pen name Rubyjane. I then started singing my song which was Royals by Lorde.

It went pretty well and I was satisfied with my performance. After I came out of the room I saw Lisa standing there with a bright smile on her face.

"You were great Nini. I'm so proud of you." She said and opened her arms for me. I ran towards her and gave her a big hug.

"Aren't you supposed to be practicing right now? You have a match today Lili." I said

"I know. But this is more important to me. I wanted to be the first one to congratulate you." She replied and listening to her words made me so happy. I'm seriously lucky to have a best friend like her.

"Thanks Lili. I really appreciate this but I think it's your time to go and practice. Our team has to win the title this year." I said which instantly brought a smile on her face.

"We'll definitely win Nini"

"Yes I'm sure about that."

"I'm leaving now. It's my time to make you proud now." She said while giving me a kiss on my cheeks.

"Take care. I'll see you later."


"You were great Jennie!" Rosé said as soon as she saw me walking in the corridor.

"Ssh! You aren't supposed to be this loud chipmunk, people will find out." I said while giving her a side hug.

"They are anyways going to find out because you my girl are going to win this competition."

"Wow. You are more confident than I am."

"Obviously. You are an amazing singer and it's time that you show it to the world girl."

"And it's time that you tell Jisoo your truth girl." I suddenly said which made her face go completely pale.

"We are not talking about this right now Jennie."

"Yes we are." I said in a high pitch.

"She loves Chahee. I'm just a random girl she met at the ball who she thinks she's attracted to. The moment she finds out that girl is me everything will get over between us."

"I agree to the fact that Jisoo loves Chahee but Chahee doesn't feel the same way about her Rosé, Jisoo has never been so much interested in any girl before. All she ever spoke about was Chahee. But for the first time she genuinely wants to know a girl and I feel you should give her a chance."

"And what if she isn't happy with the truth? What if she decides to never talk to me again?"

"Atleast you won't have any regrets of never expressing your feelings to her."


"Okay as in? You are going to tell her the truth?" I asked.

"Yes I will."

"That's great Rosé. I'm proud of you." I said with a huge me smile on my face.

"Just give me some time but. I want to be completely ready for this."

"Take your time Rosé."

"Thankyou Jennie ! I'll see you at the game tonight. Bye."

"Okay. Take care."

Short update

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