Chapter 40

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Mr. Han looked delighted today, sitting comfortably on his seat he was reading the contract papers of the deal I just cracked. This was an unusual scenario for me since he hardly ever smiled. Even when Sophie was born he didn't look that ecstatic about it. I wonder when was the last time he smiled so much, probably when I agreed to date his daughter after all the mess my dad created.

"We should celebrate, let's have a party this weekend," Mr. Han said with his lips curved up into a smile. He couldn't stop smiling since the moment I informed him about the deal.

"Yes we should definitely do that," dad joined in. I was sure from the look on my dad's face that he was extremely proud of me and couldn't wait to brag about this news to everyone else in the town. I simply nodded my head with a smile, before taking the contract papers back from Mr. Han's hand and placing it inside the envelope. I bid them goodbye and made my way towards my office. I saw Chan sitting on his usual desk, working on some papers. He looked up.

"Congratulations Lisa, I heard you got the deal."

I laughed realizing how fast the news had already spread at the office. "Yes, there's a party this weekend. Keep yourself free," I said and he nodded his head in acknowledgement but before he could say something further, my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket to see Jennie's name flashed on the screen. My whole body went numb. After three years of not keeping in touch, she finally decides to give me a call. I turned my back towards Chan, blocking him from seeing my facial expressions and hurriedly pressed on the answer button. "Jennie, is everything okay? I didn't expect you would call," I confessed.

There was silence for a few seconds and then she answered in her squeaky voice, "I miss you." Initially, I was stunned to hear those words from her mouth but moments later I realized she was drunk.

"Where are you? Are you drunk?" I asked in concern. I was hoping that she wasn't alone at some random bar.

Instead of telling me where she was, she giggled, which was enough for me to comprehend that this girl is totally sloshed. "I can't recall where I am," she said which made me so mad.

"What the fuck Jennie! Why did you have to drink so much?" I asked in an angry tone, this girl can be so reckless at times. She was quiet for a few seconds but then she answered in her usual authoritative manner.

"Fuck you, Lisa Manoban!"

I couldn't suppress my laugh after hearing those words. Jennie always got very dominating after getting drunk. At least some things haven't changed.

I suddenly heard someone snatching the phone away from her and she yelled at him. "Hello stranger, can you please come and pick your girl up? I don't think she can drive home in this state." A man said in a husky voice.

"Who the fuck are you?" I questioned angrily. I heard him chuckle which pissed me off more. Who the fuck was this guy? And what is he doing with Jennie?

"Jealous much, aren't you?" he added. I snorted in reply, waiting for him to answer my question. "I'm the bartender here who served ten tequila's to your girlfriend."

What the fuck? Ten tequila? Is this girl out of her mind?

"She's not my girlfriend," I corrected him. Even though, deep down, I wished that was true.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now